Forum Post: You cannot succeed without a unified voice
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 3 p.m. EST by CuttheBS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is where ideology meets reality, this is where these undereducated yet highly opinionated hippies learn their first lesson about the real world.
You are NOT the 99%, you are a minority. You might think you represent the frustration of the 99%, but you do not represent 99% of US citizens. It's funny that you say our elected officials, most of whom probably won no more than 60% of votes, do not represent America. While that may be true, how can you guys, who nobody voted for, claim that you represent 99% of the country. I think that's a very arrogant attitude, and I might even say elitist, to think you represent just about everyone.
You want to get the rest of the country on your side, to do that you have to present a credible argument. Right now, the real 99% are looking at you people and asking "what is it that they want", and instead of clear objective, the people hear all these different ideas at the same time, and mostly the people will dismiss this movement as having "no f*cking clue about what they're doing".
So while your ideology that this should be a leaderless movement might sound good in theory, in practice it just creates chaos. Chaos doesn't create the environment necessary for constructive change, it only allows opportunistic people to exploit the opportunity for their own benefit. So in the end, nothing really changes. Of course, that might be what anarchists want, but they are definitely not the 99%.
We have one. It's not our fault some don't want to listen.
Then what is the one voice saying, exactly?
We have to move this to DC and pressurize the current Admin. Wall street cannot do anything, the change has to come from DC. Any body listening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to listen to hundreds of people talking at the same time claiming their voice is the official voice.
they are all a voice of the movement. if it's to complicated for you, get someone to help you.
If everyone in a group speaks at the same time I just won't listen, just like most adults. When you behave like adults and act in an organized way, then people will pay attention to what you're saying.
That's why VOTING has been invented. This forum is just one endless parade of opinions and demand lists, but there's NOT a list of issues that anyone can vote on. Nowhere. This is utterly STUPID, in my humble opinion. Should there be a voting system, it would be easy for everyone to see WAZZA! and how tis hangin' and in what direction OWS is moving based on popular consent. But somehow OWS prefers to be just an amorphous mass of disgruntled people. People are moving away from to other sites that have been organised better and that's a shame, OWS needs cohesion and motivation. Taking votes and polls is way to get there. Talk about it, demand demcocray from the site admins, get this on the road, I'm getting fed up with repeating this over and over again, I'm not even an American, geez.
Get your act together! Paul - netherlands
finally someone with sense
people are paying attention just fine. you're here.
kind of like how people stop at a crash scene to take a look out of curiosity, but ultimately, gets on with life.
people don't stop to post replies multiple times at crash scenes :)
How can we stop this?
This will continue until the American people understand just how they are being robbed and what they can do about it. A new monetary system has to be established to protect the freedom our Founding Fathers meant us to have---and keep.
I would say this to you, ladies and gentlemen. We must re-establish the kind of constitutional money system in this country that Jefferson wanted. He said that only the Treasury of the United States should create and issue legal tender money. He said that all money should be redeemable either in gold or in silver. That's the reason our Founding Fathers put into the Constitution a provision that no state shall make anything but gold and silver tender in the payment of debts. (In other words, the states may not issue legal tender money, and no private bank should either!)
If we go back to that kind of system and do away with fractional reserve banking, we may be able to re-establish a constitutional government in the United States. Wake up America!
If some one claims their voice is the official voice, it's fairly safe to say it's not. They are also not the ones to listen to.
That's not a great way to present your case to the 99%. You need clear and concise objectives, and the only way to have that is through a leader, otherwise everyone can just say what you said and discredit each other.
It is a great way. Those that just don't get it probably never will. Those that don't get it will argue over pointless crap and never be able to figure out how to attack and discredit the OWS protesters and movement. The message is out there and it's clear.
Well you have a message problem then, because what I hear and see is a bunch of spoiled kids for the most part, that want bankers and corporations to hand their profits out to the general public, starting with OWS first then everyone else. Also while the corporations do that you want the Federal government to give you a job, give you healthcare, and give you a home.
If your message is something other than that, it's not getting out because you have no leadership.
If you want all that stuff I hear that you want, well go get a job in a field that's in demand. I thought liberal arts majors could get hired for anything!
np: have you been to a rally anywhere? I am middle-aged working mother (not poor, not in debt, not rich, though) and I was struck at how diverse the crowd was. It was most certainly not dominated by spoiled kids, though a few were there. I think of OWS as in its early stages, and a form of leadership will organically evolve. No, it's not on a 24-hour news cycle, and that's flipping GREAT with me. Have a little patience.
No one's trying to discredit it, but you have to realize this movement is the minority at this point. So if your attitude is forget those that don't get it, then you're really not interested in advancing the interest of the 99%, but rather just the interest of those who agree with you.
"Occupy Wall Street is leaderless resistance movement with people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%."
If you don't understand that or can't figure it out, you never will. All the sheeple fighting over politics just don't get it.
I don't think you get IT, or even know what IT is.
So why has the movement been so successful so far? This post is just so much more FUD.
Success in what way? Have you accomplished your goals? What are this movement's goals?
Cut the FUD troll
I take that as you have no clue
If you are OWS-ignorant, blame yourself. Pay attention.
right, EVERYONE is ignorant besides you, you're so smart.
Please desist.
Successful so far really? What has been accomplished/changed? You've changed nothing, offered no solutions that even the liberal media can latch onto and support.
All you've done is show that you can create a big mess and not clean up after yourself, and rally loudly. There are no cohesive solutions coming out of OWS. Just whining for more entitlements. Even the entitlements lake cohesion.
What liberal media?
What mess?
What the heck are you talking about?
Liberal Media: MSNBC, CNN, NY times Washington post.
Mess: trash everywhere, deficating on police cars. Watch some news on tv, its shown daily.
What the heck am I talking about? All the the stuff I mentioned is what is being reported and the message that gets through. That's what I'm talking about.
NY Times liberal? Washington Post liberal? MSNBC liberal? CNN liberal?
Yes. Just like fox news is conservative.
They report with a bias, interject their social agendas, and fail to allow opposing views equal and fair coverage when it conflicts with their views.
They do not report objectively, and haven't in over 50 years, at least.' you have to read and watch all of them to get both sides and make up you own mind.
Wrong. Get a life. Get Real. And quit kidding us with this bullcrap.
Sorry you're not capable of thinking for yourself and you just drink the kool aid these biased news serves up.
Unlike you I have to take in multiple sources to get the whole picture and filter out the biased opinions.
Keep your head in the dark and only pay attention to the news that fits in with what you like and that makes fun of the views you don't.
You really have no clue what you are talking about do you? I think you need to pay closer attention and learn about what is going on.
We dont operate on the politicians rules, we have done just fine without a leader thus far havent we? Pure Democracy is a slow process but very resistant to corruption and pretty resistant to co-opts.
All you've done so far is squat a park, and throw your trash everywhere. what an accomplishment!
Like i said you need to play closer attention to what is going on.
I have, every member has a different opinion of what needs to change. No one has a solution that the whole movement agrees with.
So for the list of accomplishments we have, squat a park, and leave your trash everywhere.
Wait I'll give you one more. You've inspired many other small copy cat movements that get smaller by the day.
"I have, every member has a different opinion of what needs to change." - welcome to pure democracy. When we are ready we will vote as a collective on what demands we want to put forth. We are not ready to do that at the moment.
There is no purpose to a rally without having a clearly defined solution the a clearly defined problem.' what you say you're doing now should have been figures out before you squatted a park near wall street
Why? We have a clearly defined problem. Corporate greed, corruption and social inequality ruined this country. Hell you can look it up on wiki and it will even tell you this. Or listen to a few protesters.
We are gathering support. We dont play by the politicians rules that would be ineffective.
Is that the mindset of the people of this movement, somehow you guys, know better than everyone else, and those who disagree are the just clueless.
It's funny that you say you've done just fine, but in the end you need to have a way to measure how successful you've been. I'm not sure what you have accomplished so far, besides costing the city millions in overtime police pay and hurting the small businesses in the areas you're protesting in.
As a collective we do know better,see the rest of the country is to busy labeling each other and fighting each other and playing my candidate is better. Thus all their energy is focused on promoting their favorite politicians ideology while preventing others from discrediting their favorite politician. We put our collective heads together to try to solve problems not argue about which candidate will take longer to screw us.
As someone who has been board warrioring since Clinton was president i can tell you it really accomplishes nothing but keeping the masses confused and fighting each other while the politicians are busy draining the masses of money like a beer keg at a frat party.
If you want to know how successful we been:
1) Their were over 950 occupy protest scheduled for today in 82 countries. 2) One side insults us while the other praises us. Neither side can figure out what is going on or how to counter/handle it. 3) The powers that are in control keep asking for demands and saying we need a leader. They cannot figure out how we are doing this without either. It is completely unorthodox and outside the rules of engagement to them. They dont know if they should embrace it because its an election year or try to put it down before it turns into something that could end their career.
4) We gain people every day from the left and right wings. The MSM media tried to prevent it at first by not covering it. Then they tried to discredit it. But social media considering much of America owns a camera phone has prevailed showing many different events from many different angles making it hard to dispute the validity of said event.
5) We are not corruptible and extremely hard to co-opt.
6) Dont worry about how much cost the city, we pay for it.Its our city, our cops, and our money.
7) If we were not successful we wouldnt get trolls who make an account on here just to try to mess with us, we wouldnt get infiltrators who do bad things to try to make us look bad as a group, we wouldnt be getting news coverage, politicians wouldnt be acknowledging us and some businesses wouldnt be supporting us.
Simply put the people in power are defecating in their over priced silk boxers right now because they are scared of this. It is beyond their control and all efforts to stop it only increase the size of the supporters.
I would call that pretty effective.
I see very small rallies around the world claiming to be the 99%. Yes I know you mean the 99% of people that don't make billions of money.
But sadly out of that 99% you claim to represent, you represent less than 1%.
There is no unifying message and no cohesive message for a solution to your protest. Mainly because when each member is asked, they say something different. If no one knows what you want fixed, you will get no change. If you have no defined leader to present your unified solutions, then no one knows them.'thus you will not be successful.
But you want to know something. We represent a larger portion of the population of the world than all the politicians in the world combined. We represent the group 99%. It is no fault of ours the rest of the 99% still has their head stuck in the sand. We are trying to get their head out but its a slow process. The media has been brainwashing for a long time. We will still represent them. And when this is all over those 99% will thank us. Because what we accomplish will make their lives better. Something their "representatives" have failed to do for years.
"There is no unifying message and no cohesive message for a solution to your protest. Mainly because when each member is asked, they say something different." - We are a pure democracy. Everyone can speak and everyone is heard. We are still building support so we can more accurately represent the bottom 99%. Why is this such a difficult concept to understand? The more people we have the better we can represent everyone.
"If no one knows what you want fixed, you will get no change." - We know what we want. We are independent thinkers. We dont follow that ideology BS here. Everyone has their own opinions many of them are in agreement on a lot of things. When the time is right we will start making demands. We are not in a hurry. Hell some of us been waiting a decade or more for change, we can wait a few more months for it to start.
"If you have no defined leader to present your unified solutions," - Why do you need a leader for that? Why cant a collective do this? Why does it have to be one person? And why does that person have to be the "leader"? Ever heard of a spokesperson or carrier or messenger or negotiator?
Yes, and there is no defined spokesperson, representative and what have you.
The founding fathers of this country wrote down and presented their solutions to British rule back in the day. It's called the declaration of independence. Guess what, everyone who signed it, identified themselves as a spokesperson for the people.
OWS has none of that. It's been a month already and no cohesive message or solution has come out.
Plain simple and factual. And while you all sit around trying to figure it out, you get smaller and smaller. These things need to be figured out before you march and gather, not after.
I am a spokesperson for the people. So are the protesters on the street. All in OWS are spokespersons. I am sure at some point we will have an official spokesperson. But no since rushing. Rushing is how you get co-opted and lose support. You make mistakes and many many powerful people are waiting for us to make a mistake.
In the meantime a divided message is presented and you end up looking like spoiled brats wanting a free ride from your bad decisions that landed you in the situations you now live in.
you're successful in confusing the f out of some people about what you want, and you're successful in pissing off the rest because some parts of this movement wants communism/socialism/handouts.
also on the cost things, I worry about it because i pay taxes, unlike many of these protestors. And I've seen taxes in the city go up while services have gone down, and now instead of providing better services for tax paying citizens, we have to have cops on the street to beat down on some entitled hippies. That I'm pissed about.
"you're successful in confusing the f out of some people about what you want" -Search "occupy wall street" on you tube and watch the video of the protest. or read these forums. Or if you live in NYC go down and mingle with the protesters for a day. You will learn very quickly what we want.
"you're successful in pissing off the rest because some parts of this movement wants communism/socialism/handouts. " - So what your saying is your upset because not all Americans agree with your views? How un-American. We have some socialist in the group and maybe a handful that just want handouts. But i would say close to 95% of the supporters want neither. They want to fix the current system so it works for everything.
Also many of us do not consider health care and education to be a handout no more than you consider freedom to be a handout. Why should i die and you live because you have more money than i do? Do you know how inhumane that is?
"also on the cost things, I worry about it because i pay taxes, unlike many of these protestors" - Really? I will be sure to let them all know that they are tax exempt when they go to the store to buy supplies for this. Also when did you find all the time to interview everyone and collect their tax returns and then go over them to see if they paid taxes.
"while services have gone down, and now instead of providing better services for tax paying citizens, " - You might want to start laying blame at your billionaire mayor's feet. Apparently he is not very good at dealing with unexpected situations in his city.
"we have to have cops on the street to beat down on some entitled hippies." - Your right we should all be upset over police brutality and unnecessary use of force. But most of all you should be pissed because the powers that be are trying to use oppression to trample our first amendment rights. Also where are you getting your definition of hippie?Maybe you should go to the protest and look at who is protesting or watch some youtube vids of it. You could not tell the difference between the protester crowd and a crowd at a stadium watching a game if you take the protesters signs away from them.
Also one more thing. People are entitled to their right to protest in this country. You do not have to agree with them but you MUST let them.
Since you brought them up:
On education, why should I pay for your education if you decide to study philosophy or get a liberal arts degree that doesn't have a clear path to a job.
On Healthcare, why should I pay for your health care if you're not eating healthy, not exercising, and smoking. Somehow I have to pay your bill when you end up sick? How is that fair.
On protesting: I'm all for freedom of expression, but I'm not for it once that infringes on other's freedom, such as the small businesses that are losing customers because no one wants to go down to where you guys are, or people who are trying to get to work but you're blocking the streets.
As far as NYC goes, the city's budget is getting cut because of mass layoffs on Wall Street (I know, SHOCKING to you people). Wall Street is the spine of NYC. You may point fingers at the fat cat bankers, but when they're making money, they also go out and spend a lot of money. You vilify them for drinking champagne on the balcony, but I bet the waiters and waitresses that work there appreciate the tips that they're getting.
"My point about health care is not about who has money" - You dont decide where your tax money goes. That is the flaw in this argument. You have as much control over where your tax money goes as the guy that signs your paycheck has over where you spend your check at. You dont. It is no longer your money but every ones money.
"As for protesting, you do have designated spots, it's only when people venture outside of it do they get arrested." - They are not adequate and/or in acceptable locations.
"As for the 2 trillion in reserves you're talking about, that's the banks money, or rather the depositors' " - I cannot be arsed writing the lengthy post i would need to explain this to you.
"I'm just amazed at the amount of b*tching" - Lets all just pack up go home and get on with our lives right. That has been what we been doing for the last 30 years. Watch reality Tv and worry about how many more jobs we are going to need to pay bills. It worked so well for us the last 30 years didnt it?
You really need to do some research. All i have seen from you is political talking points mainly from the GOP. i will get you started on your quest of knowledge
I dont decide where my tax money goes, true. So why are you bitching about taxpayer's money going to bailing out Wall Street?
and actually packing up your stuff and getting on with your life would work out better. Maybe go to school, learn a trade or a discernible skill, and go make something of yourself.
"On education" - I think you should learn what philosophy and liberal arts are. Both , are the basis for all other education. Also you arent paying for my schooling, I am paying for it and so are 300 mil other americans. Schooling would not be near as expensive as it is now if it wasnt private sector. "Why should i have to pay for everyone elses...." is the dumbest argument against making something govt run i have ever seen. It is also the most selfish argument one person can come up with. Why should the military put their life on the line to defend your freedom...defend it yourself. Why should the protesters have to stand in the rain and cold to protect your right and take your country back from corruption? See it it just pure selfishness.
"On Healthcare" - Why should you get good health care because you have more money than me? How someone can be this selfish and inhuman is really beyond my comprehension. The morals in this country have went straight to hell. This is not the United States of Me. Its not even worth arguing with someone who sees things from a point of pure greed.
"On protesting" - Well blame the city. They should of not sold all of our land for profit and kept some as designated protest, gathering spots. Where would you like us to stand and protest? Its public land. We own it as much as the next guy. Selfishness is really prevalent in this country. No wonder it is in the shape it is in.
"Wall Street is the spine of NYC. You may point fingers at the fat cat bankers, but when they're making money, they also go out and spend a lot of money." - Last i heard they were sitting on $2 trillion and not spending it. Doesnt look like they are spending any to me. Oh please, they wouldnt be standing on that balcony if they hadnt of robbed the rest of America and then got bailed out by the same people they robbed.
The only argument i have seen that you gave is " I am one of the greedy, everything is about me, I live in the United States of Me, why should i have to pay for anything."
My point about health care is not about who has money and who doesn't. For most people, their living habits have a direct impact on their health. Yes people should have basic health care, but if your sickness is a consequence of your choice of lifestyle, ie not eating healthy and smoking, then my tax dollars should not go towards subsidizing your medical expenses.
As for protesting, you do have designated spots, it's only when people venture outside of it do they get arrested.
As for the 2 trillion in reserves you're talking about, that's the banks money, or rather the depositors' money, not the people who work there. It's funny that people say rest of america bailed out Wall Street. The top 20% pay 80% of the taxes in this country, and I would bet Wall Street makes up a decent amount of that top 20%. So Wall Street's tax dollars went to bailing themselves out, as well as the automakers and GE.
I'm just amazed at the amount of b*tching from people who had all the opportunity in the world. People made their own beds. The unemployed students chose to take out a loan to study subjects that dont have a clear path to a job. Nobody forced them to, and they easily could've gone to a State school and not be burdened with 50 to 100k in debt. People wanted to live the American dream because they saw their neighbors get rich buying real estate, so everyone wanted to go out there and buy a home regardless of whether they could afford it or not. Sometimes 2 or 3 homes. THe worst hit markets were in Florida and Arizona where boomers bought up retirement homes that sat empty. Are you entitled to have a retirement home now? Then you have people with credit cards and spent like drunken sailors when times were good. Nobody had a back up plan. But now, it's ALL Wall Street's fault. Take some responsibility.
Well its a good way to raise hell, I'll grant you that. And you have made your grievances known. The trouble is you have no solutions to fix them. Or at least, you are not endorsing any solutions.
Hence, you are implicitly leaving it to the existing authorities, the politicians and the power elites, to try and address your grievances. Unless of course, your movement ultimately ends up tearing down the whole system like it did in Tahrir.
Well, good luck with that.
We have ways to fix them. We have many. One of them involves reinstating the Glass-Steagall Act. Another popular idea is to not allow corporations or groups to donate any money to campaigns.
We didnt come here to complain, we came here to solve problems.We are letting people know we are unhappy with the current system and we are saying it is going to change or your might as well consider us a permanent part of your city landscape.
Meanwhile on the inside ideas are being tossed all over the place. We are still building support.When the time comes we will vote on the more popular demands and those will will become our list.
Almost everyone has their own personal list. Mine are here:
I kept it to 10 demands but by no means is that my whole list. Demands #2,4,5 are the most important to me because they fix the system so it works likes it suppose to( or should fix it anyway)
You will have to address the monetary system (elimination of fractional reserve banking, reinstatement of commodity money, e.g. gold and silver), if you want to hack away at the root of evils in America. All your proposals like Glass-Steagall are attacking the branches, at best.
Doing away with the fed is only supported by people who do not understand exactly what a central bank does in a country. The fed is broken. It needs fixed but not done away with.
Most of the problem with inflation is not because the fed prints more money, like people believe. The fed prints money so it doesnt run out. The US dollar is the most used currency in the world.
The problem with inflation is everyone buys stuff on credit. Thus we are a society that consumes based on credit. Which causes artificial demand which raises prices which makes everything cost more( inflation).
If people stopped buying on credit and lived within their means, their money would go a lot further. It would reduce the cost of everything to about 1/3 of what it is now.
Why do we represent the 99%? Because many more people will come to your side when you are proactive (for “new” Business & Government solutions), instead of reactive (against “old” Business & Government solutions), which is why what we most immediately need is a comprehensive “new” strategy that implements all our various socioeconomic demands at the same time, regardless of party, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management System of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves; that is, using a Focused Direct Democracy organized according to our current Occupations & Generations. Consequently, I have posted a 1-page Summary of the Strategically Weighted Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
because we need 100,000 “support clicks” at to support a Presidential Candidate -- such as any given political opportunist you'd like to draft -- in support of the above bank-focused platform.
Most importantly, remember, as cited in the first link, that as Bank Owner-Voters in your 1 of 48 "new" Business Investment Groups (or "new" Congressional Committees) you become the "new" Congress replacing the "old" Congress according to your current Occupation & Generation, called a Focused Direct Democracy.
Therefore, any Candidate (or Leader) therein, regardless of party, is a straw man, a puppet; it's the STRATEGY – the sequence of steps – that the people organize themselves under, in Military Internet Formation of their Individual Purchasing & Group Investment Power, that's important. In this, sequence is key.
Why? Because there are Natural Social Laws – in mathematical sequence – that are just like Natural Physical Laws, such as the Law of Gravity. You must follow those Natural Social Laws or the result will be Injustice, War, etc.
The FIRST step in Natural Social Law is to CONTROL the Banks as Bank Owner-Voters. If you do not, you will inevitably be UNJUSTLY EXPLOITED by the Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government who have a Legitimate Profit Motive, just like you, to do so.
Consequently, you have no choice but to become Candidates (or Leaders) yourselves as Bank Owner-Voters according to your current Occupation & Generation.
So please JOIN the 2nd link so we can make our support clicks at when called for, at exactly the right time, by an e-mail from that group, in support of the above the bank-focused platform. If so, then you will see and feel how your goals can be accomplished within the above strategy as a “new” Candidate (or Leader) of your current Occupation & Generation.
DEMAND PEACE NOW! Those who do not support it will be easily identified by their support for violence. It is those you direct your demands to. PEACEFULLY. With moral authority, Demand Peace. No other demand need be met. END all wars. Stop WWIII now. All economic problems will disappear. Not because of excess money, but because the violence that support the rigged economy will collapse, allowing the true, naturally economy of Peace to emerge.
Peace is Prosperity.
The time has come for a new America. One only the people have the say. Not the lobbyist. I call on my fellow Americans to dig deep with in themselves and stand up and speak the truth of our fathers. The Right does not speak for all, nor the left. But the people need to stand up,and be heard and speak in one loud voice and say enough! It is not enough to protest tho protest we must, we need to speak in a clear sharp voice, What are our grievances are,and have a plan to deal with it. We need and demand new leaders who hear and heed the people. I have no idea who these men or woman will be, Yet we just need look around see the real light that is inside them, and us and say Citizen, Your Country needs you. The politician in Washington needs to know there words fall on deaf ears,and let them know, the People shall turn the wheel and move the rock.
"It's funny that you say our elected officials, most of whom probably won no more than 60% of votes, do not represent America."
Except we get a 50% voter turn-out... so that 60% is theoretically only 30% of the entire country. :)
Unfortunately we are trying to tackle economic injustice through an insanely complex global economic system, so I do agree that this movement should not be an opaque message of "anti-greed". We should tout pass-able legislation and realize that the solution to 20 years of institutionalized-theft is not wrapped up in a pretty slogan.
let's start by getting to this point:
Here's my dream:
Today Congress we are here to start the wheels of governing turning in a different direction. It’s pretty obvious to me and the American people that our voice has been lost in the rambling of lobbyist's hard cash throughout the Halls of Justice.
So we are here to take back our government and restore its fundamental principals to the American people. That this government is for the people, and by the people, and not by the rich anymore.
Here’s how we plan on accomplishing this. First, ladies and gentlemen of the US Congress, we are setting up a nationwide interactive website devoted to understanding (if possible) why you vote on a particular issue, and if that vote benefits the American people the most, or one of your campaign contributors? After every vote in Congress, the American people can now see what you are thinking, or not. How? These results will be broadcasted nightly on all of the major networks and on the web.
Secondly, to maintain an even playing filed, we will next enact campaign contribution limits on a maximum of $100 for any person or corporation or so forth; so hopefully now we have an even playing field, which now the lawmaker will hopefully pick what’s right for the American people, verse big business!
Next, it gets better, we are introducing a bill that would require all lawmakers to take a lie detector test if they are asked why they voted on a particular bill.
I’m sorry to say Congress that it has come down to this, but when you deal with children, sometimes you are forced to act according.
Thanks you for your time.
Here's my dream:
Today Congress we are here to start the wheels of governing turning in a different direction. It’s pretty obvious to me and the American people that our voice has been lost in the rambling of lobbyist's hard cash throughout the Halls of Justice.
So we are here to take back our government and restore its fundamental principals to the American people. That this government is for the people, and by the people, and not by the rich anymore.
Here’s how we plan on accomplishing this. First, ladies and gentlemen of the US Congress, we are setting up a nationwide interactive website devoted to understanding (if possible) why you vote on a particular issue, and if that vote benefits the American people the most, or one of your campaign contributors? After every vote in Congress, the American people can now see what you are thinking, or not. How? These results will be broadcasted nightly on all of the major networks and on the web.
Secondly, to maintain an even playing filed, we will next enact campaign Position limits on a maximum of $100 for any person or corporation or so forth; so hopefully now we have an even playing field, which now the lawmaker will hopefully pick what’s right for the American people, verse big business!
Next, it gets better, we are introducing a bill that would require all lawmakers to take a lie detector test if they are asked why they voted on a particular bill.
I’m sorry to say Congress that it has come down to this, but when you deal with children, sometimes you are forced to act according.
Thanks you for your time.
Obama is going to be that unified voice.
that's a joke right?
the world will fail if the continue fighting
yes, because no change ever came out of chaos,. lol
oh great master,. do teach as more "about the real world" more ego please!! I don't think the people in the back could hear that you are an egotist.
why don't you actually educate yourself; anarchy search the term and learn what it is..,
oh yes let me go on the internet and "educate" myself, then tell the rest of the world that they're doing it wrong
There should be a web page or list of which Encampments are still active Is the occupy athens georgia still active I have a tent and am ready for a long term encampment Occupy agusta georgia is too far away And I think the police raided the occcupy atlanta georgia And closed them down but I will be in atlanta Monday If you could let me know before Monday 6am to save me a wasted trip
CuttheBs: I think this is why what I started at can hopefully bring both sides together.
You have accomplished nothing and nothing has changed. Nor will it. The majority of people in America see you as a group of lazy complainers who feel they are "owed" something. Go home, take a bath ( for Gods sake) and go look for a job. If you don't like it here, move. No one is holding you hostage in America. You are free to leave.
Take this poll. It will give us a unified voice.
Wait they are the 99%. They're the 99% of the 43% of people that pay no taxes at all!
These are richest poor people I've ever seen. Somehow without being able to find a job, they seem to get plenty of government handout money to buy iPhones, iPads, Mac laptops, and other high priced technology gadgets.
I'm sorry if you want a roof over your head, food to eat, maybe you should have majored in a field that is in demand. What you definitely don't need is more government handouts. You just need to get over yourself and take an entry level job and work your way up.