Forum Post: You are not the 99% do something
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:35 p.m. EST by JoeyRockstar
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Id say more like not even 1% . Im not saying your cause is wrong I 100 % agree with it but if you were the 99% virtually every single person in the country would be out there and it still would not do a damn thing. I want to know what this silly little protest has done to effect the so called 1% ,They are laughing at you all. You have not cost them a penny by being out there but the over time set aside for the cops to keep it under control is YOUR tax dollars. If you want to hurt them get the hell off the streets and march your asses down to BOA and close your accounts and get everyone you know to do it .I know a lot of this small portion of people have accounts with the big banks ,you cant fool anyone and a lot are just there for the party. Close your accounts ,boycott exon and products that are being traded .Your sign holding and sillyness gets you nowhere.Start a real revolution and REALLY hurt them and dont be so pea brained to think what your doing by standing out there will do ANYTHING.You want to start talking and acting for real then I will associate myself with that group .Get off the streets ,STOP harassing cops and starting arguments over stupid bullshit thats immature to get up in a cops face and START trouble and I see a lot of that on youtube to prove it .DO SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE OR DO NOTHING AT ALL .
If you want to do something constructive, support the occupation movement and its artists. You are the change we need to see in this country. You are our hopes. You can make a difference. Cheers
If We the People continue to march and protest, sooner or later they will have to acknowledge us and our demands. Then the laws will be changed, the corporations and banks stripped of their personhood and their prestige, the ultra-rich taxed and jobs brought back to the USA.
you are wrong because what people are doing is not hurting them at all ,the government is not on your side ,the government is on theres. They will say fuck the consitution and use force before they say wow this very small portion of the united states is scaring us into changing everything. Im telling people stop being so damn lazy and put a dent in their wallets and get off their asses with their silly sign crap
What actions do you suggest people take? Boycott? Some people are withdrawing their money from the banks which were bailed out.
That is a great action to take and I think people should be focused on going out getting others to do that .If a few do it then its a start but if a nation does it then its a revolution
You've been watching too much tv. The movement is unorganized and massive, give it time it's just the beginning. Radical, by the way, is not what defines this movement, it defines what the 1% and our government have been doing. The 99%'s shock and disgust is just finally comming to the surface.
We want to do something different. We want to hit where it hurts: right into their deep Pockets.
We want to put back $ONE BILLION into the pockets of unbanked consumers who are being robbed by check cashing stores. We want to show corporate America that a business can be viable and profitable without being greedy. We need your help in order to get our social enterprise started. Please visit our website We need 10,000 sign ups
Ive been watchign youtube videos shot by the "movement" and nobody answered my question as to how this is hurting wall street . This occupy crap has not put a dent in anyones wallet up there and you do NOT have the 99% doing this .I think maybe 0.5 percent are participating while maybe 5% who are not out there are trying to stick it to them the smart way where it will hurt
Not if people just stand outside with signs and act like idiots ,they wont feel crap .People need to protest smart and do damage not gather for a little chant and picnic
Give the sleeping giant time ... The 1% will feel it soon enough.
How do you figure? This movement, as currently configured, appeals to a very small % of the American public. Most of the ideas being thrown out there are far too radical for mass appeal. And without mass appeal, this movement will ultimately fail.
But the opposite is happening. The movement has gone global!
You've been watching too much tv. The movement is unorganized and massive, give it time it's just the beginning. Radical, by the way, is not what defines this movement, it defines what the 1% and our government have been doing. The 99%'s shock and disgust is just finally comming to the surface.
How many people nationwide would you say are part of this movement right now?
For every person showing themselves on the street there are hundreds who support albeit from the safety of their homes. Once peaceful, organized solutions, come to the surface, one being Nov. 2nd, the real number will show itself.
I disagree. People support campaign finance reform. They support a simple, fair tax system. A lot of the other ideas that the protesters support are shared by a small minority of Americans. Until this movement has an official, unifying, moderate goal, it can never have the widespread support that it will need to be successful.
If you are comfortable you have no understanding of the desperation many are feeling. It can-will cause the actions to come. Many dont have the luxury of time
That is my point. While some are certainly struggling the majority of Americans are at least comfortable, if not better. Half of the homes in America have income of more than $50K per year. 20% have income of at least $100K. They aren't rich but they are comfortable enough with their lives that they will not support radical ideas.