Forum Post: You are not supported... Go away!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 6:42 a.m. EST by Patriot1775
from Queens, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Blah blah blah... Quit crying and cut it out already. You claim to be standing up against big corporation and greed in defense of the "99%" .... Well your dumb movement is costing the "99%" in tax money to pay for all the civil servants who make our lives livable everyday! So I'm going to say... Thanks morons for adding to my struggle! We're still paying taxes and the government will not go anywhere so cut your games and get a job. YOU HAVE NO SUPPORT from the public. To all you silver spoon fed college kids and you dirty unemployed hippies who have nothing better to do than take action against a world you think is controlling you... GO HOME. We live in the best country in the world and if you dont like it here then get the hell out!
Leave troll.
my home is foreclosed and my job outsourced
"We live in the best country in the world"....Based on what? When banks take over a country and that country loses it's sovereignty, then it is no longer a country..
Many, of late, have come to view Patriotism and 'being a responsible citizen' of sitting on their hands and doing as the establishment says must. Many have given up their rights in the face of terrorism, for the betterment for the security of us all. Many people have become so focused on meeting the proverbial 'American Dream', that they have allowed our country to be sidetracked and the tenets of democracy to be railroaded into the pocketbooks of the elitist. Consider a country where Congressmen and women, Senators and other officials, get elected or appointed, using whatever lies and promises they can. However, we find that they merely use their positions to ensure their specific projects get through the governmental red tape, that they get higher pay and more vacations, that the will and cries of the people are ignored and legislation 'for their own good' is rammed down their throats, so-to-speak. This country has fallen into a rut that borders closely upon the rut that led to WW1 and WW2, namely Fascism.
On the other hand, we find that the US Government is so easily led astray, deceived and even toyed with by multi-billion dollar corporations, there is little wonder that most of the free world sees us as bumbling idiots. Our troops die for other countries security;, our troops die in policing actions for other countries; our troops are forced, by these selfish government officials to repeatedly serve in combat actions, possibly leading to the Ultimate sacrifice, instead of allowing them to return to their families. Our troops are denied jobs by the corporations whose profits they protected, for the freedoms the CEO's and bankers have come to casually bend to their own desires. We are a democracy which is supposed to be run by the views, votes, hearts and minds of the people. Our country seems to be run by the wallets of the corporations and the slimy hands of the lobbyists. What happened to the responsibilities that theses bankers and their ilk were required to follow to ensure fair trade and investments? They were removed by the Bush Administration to foment strong economic growth. When the regulations were removed, many saw a means to make massive wealth, illegally or nearly legal... Many of us got sucked into the dream of being rich, foolishly, letting our lives be swayed by the words of the greedy. Shame on us ALL! The true meaning of this movement is the responsibility of the elitists, the bankers, investors and the public administrations, that allowed this financial fracas to develop in the first place. Arresting, sending to court and jailing a handful of sacrificial lambs will not sate our need for Justice. No less than the complete overhaul of the system will suffice. This starts within each of us. This starts with people willing to see each of us for who we are - American, humans, family... We aren't numbers, here for the rich to line their pockets. I'd like to ask one question of the rich and those raping and pillaging the earth and her peoples for their riches; Just where are you planning to retire? What planet do you hope to go to in retirement, to spend your ill-gotten wealth. The people will all hate you here... and the Earth will be a wasteland and you'll have gotten very, very rich; but where are you going? I want to go to!
There is a lot of support.
Get a job Losers