Forum Post: YOU are being tracked!!! Right now!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 4:40 p.m. EST by TonyLanni
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Do you see those points that posts and comments get? What are they? Where do they go? How are they tallied and tracked? Who knows how many points you have, and why? What are THEY doing with this information?!?!? Surely there must have some good conspiracy theories about this, no? We're all creative enough to come up with some, aren't we?
This post is intended for some levity, enjoyment, and entertainment. Hope you take it that way, and provide some fun theories. =)
Its like and dislike. All post start out with one point. You arrow up or down post based on if you agree or disagree.
so "the system" reads my posts and knows if they are in support of something or not? how did your comment start with 2 points? does the system like you better than me?
I just upped yours so they're definitely tracking you now. RUN!!!
I'm starting to really think some of you have up and down arrows or something. why don't all of us?!?!
everybody should. What browser are you using?
The arrows are right next to your name. I can see yours.
oh wow, THAT'S what that is?!?!? thank you so much for pointing that out. I would venture to bet that at least half the people on here don't see or get that. If it was just a bit bigger, or something! Now I feel dumb. But I also feel like I helped people who are reading this.
it started with 1 like the other hundreds of post i have on here and everyone else has on here. It just got an up arrow before you read it.
an up arrow from who?!?! ...wait, do you have up and down arrows on your screen? I don't! if you do, i don't think everyone does. So now that brings up the question of why some get them and others don't!!! unfair favoritsim, if you ask me.
It is to the left of peoples names.
oh wow, THAT'S what that is?!?!? thank you so much for pointing that out. I would venture to bet that at least half the people on here don't see or get that. If it was just a bit bigger, or something! Now I feel dumb. But I also feel like I helped people who are reading this.
It took me a bit to figure it out and how the point system works on here too. And i been doing forum boards for over decade. Never been on one with this layout. I cant say i am a fanboy of the lay out. It makes many conversations on one topic hard to follow. I rather see a traditional board with pyramid quoting when you want to reply to a specific person or comment.
BTW, i am sure this board is monitored by the FBI, probably heavily. Not that they really can stop us or have any right to stop us from reclaiming the govt back from the corporations.
"Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness of the people; and not for profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men; therefore, the people alone have an incontestable, unalienable, and indefeasible right to institute government; and to reform, alter, or totally change the same, when their protection, safety, prosperity, and happiness require it. " - John Adams
Did you FBI agents get that quote?
yeah, i'm in IT and on forums quite often, too. that one is pretty confusing. glad i'm not the only one!
That's just what they want you to think ! lol
I guess I should keep my crystal meth cooking tips to myself.
Bah! That would have been so much funnier without the second paragraph! The really funny ones are the ones where it's impossible to tell whether it's a parody or not!
ahhh, but the second paragraph was to throw people off. I'm actually serious! who has the info? Shouldn't we demand transparency here!!!
Very very good point!!
You'd need to ask Mark Zuckerberg.
I would like to know how many people are viewing/posting on here to be honest and the more information we get the better.
Honestly someone knows this. Someone runs this sight, and has all the info. There is sarcasm in the main post, but all sarcasm has an element of truth, no? It would be interesting to know some data like that. Let's demand transparency!!!
Who cares? They already know everything about you anyway. :)
I've considered that. But if they really did, then I think they would have come for me a long time ago! Unless they know I think that, and purposely aren't coming because of it. Damn, they are clever! Now I don't know what to think.
HA! Exactly!
Whomever is getting this information, whether it be government or not, i am not afraid.
who cares? we're all terrorists as far as they're concerned
Heck if all the tweats in the world are making it into the library of congress, I sure hope that most of these comments make it into posterity. There are many excellent and exciting comments and suggestions in this forum!
The 9/11 truthers, remember, they are our enemy as well. They killed the left for the last ten years.
I just found this ability out. USE THE POINTS PPL! :)