Forum Post: You all realize that you are the world's 1% right????
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 11:34 a.m. EST by OccupyTheCapitol
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The rest of the 99% of the world doesn't get to have iPhones, internet, clothes, HDTVs, Apple laptops, a house/apartment, cars, etc.
lol good point... but the one world government is a ways away? America got it's own problems, and I'm not sure it's able, or we're able to influence heavily true global change... without changing America first... but ending poverty is definitely a noble effort.
I heard 4%
It is the so called "99%" that want to raise the standard of living up for the rest of the world, it is the 1% of the wealthy that want to lower it in America.
"tax the rich, they can afford it".... What if somewhere in Africa decides it needs 100 million cell phones ASAP, so they decide, well every american has a cell phone and they can get a new cheap one for about $100, so we should take cell phones from 100million americans, because....They can afford it!
you don't need a cell phone if you live near everyone you know. We are indoctrinated to think these things are luxuries. The real luxuries are completely unattainable to most of modern society:
4-hour workday, not having to travel 100 miles a day, working near your family, knowing your neighbors, feeling you are part of your community, not getting infected with superbugs created by over-use of anti-biotics and industrial animal farming, having time to cook with family and friends rather than going out to dinner.