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Forum Post: You All Need to Get a Job!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 8:38 p.m. EST by 0rion (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A lot of 'republicans' often tell occupiers or state that occupiers should get a job. Then what? Let life continue being the same, let the same injustices happen to others? It is not about about getting a job, it is about the system being corrupt. Now that we have our eyes open, we should just close our eyes just because we have a job? No! Thanks OWS, for being out there in the front line. It is more important being in the movement, then having a job that really doesn't matter. Getting a job will not end the crimes being committed on Wall St., by politicians and police officers... that is the point of the ows movement!



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[-] 2 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

I find it interesting that several people I know at work have made fun of the protests and then with their next breath (literally) they say they wish their son or daughter could get a job and move out of their basement. They do not seem to connect the dots that our laws and policies have been, for decades, influenced by corporations and other special interests to the detriment of the American people - and it is only getting worse.

While there are certainly those among the protesters that have consistently made poor choices regarding preparation to compete in today's job market, there is also a VERY large portion of the American populace that find themselves unemployed at no fault of their own. I personally know several very smart and talented engineers, accountants, and other financial professionals that are unemployed - and they, their families, and nation as a whole is suffering because of the inability of our "representatives" to enact appropriate financial regulations. Meanwhile the rich and powerful are laughing all the way to the bank. To those who say "go get a job" - don't jinx yourselves. Many of you are probably just one or two decisions away from being unemployed, and these decisions are probably being made by other people.

[-] 2 points by Mooks (1985) 13 years ago

Having a good job makes the injustices a lot easier to stomach.

[-] 1 points by rbe (687) 13 years ago

Anyone that says "get a job" is just a slave, a cog in the wheel, who wants others to be miserable with them. Misery loves company. I have a lot of friends that say that, and everyone of them hates their job with a passion and complains about it constantly.

Jobs are NOT the answer!! Jobs are becoming obsolete and that's a good thing. A new system is the answer.


[-] 1 points by 0rion (7) 13 years ago

Thanks everyone for your responses... the reason I posted this is because I see these statements 'get a job' a lot in YouTube... and I wish occupiers would respond with... and then what? let wall st., politicians and big businesses continue on being corrupt?

[-] 0 points by Kevabe (81) 13 years ago

Go get a job!