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Forum Post: Yale University is planning to train US Special Forces to Aid Interrogations

Posted 11 years ago on Feb. 19, 2013, 2:18 p.m. EST by Middleaged (5140)
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Yale University is planning to train US Special Forces to detect lies by practicing on immigrants. The program strives to provide soldiers with such interview tactics by practicing on “someone they can’t necessarily identify with”.

Sound Like Corruption? Sound Like Yale is "In Bed" with the Military Industrial Complex? Do you think Yale Professors collude with government economic policies, government business practices, and corporate influence of government & Univesities?

Yale University is planning to train US Special Forces to detect lies by practicing on immigrants. The program strives to provide soldiers with such interview tactics by practicing on “someone they can’t necessarily identify with”.


Clear Conflict of Interest. But this is just the tip of the Iceberg. There is tons of government money and government & corporate influence at our Universities. After all there are no true private univesities in the USA... they all get goverment money.



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