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Forum Post: www.my-america.biz

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 11:48 p.m. EST by mydashamericadottbiz (0)
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I could never really bring myself to sign on with the "TEA PARTY". personally I see them as the "Tepublic" party. Dreamers all. Why they feel they need to argue the point of expidential wealth on the basis that they themselves think they may be there one day I'll never understand. They never did find a true direction, debt, taxes religion, all republic party issues that pander to the extremely religious and extremely wealthy, which is why they were hijacked. Find your voice, organize and create a 3rd party movement. The news is already calling you the democrat version of the tea party. You want to yell at wall street, How can "YOU" fix it? Remember Wallstreet is a group of publically traded companies, the key word there is "public". We should be able to pass laws that institue a max to min pay ratio on all publically traded companies. CEO's make millions on companies they did not create, yet work a few years and leave with millions . A position on the board of diectors should have no pay. Usually those people are the ones that own the most stock. Their decisions for the company should benefit the stock as a whole, there for themselves.



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