Forum Post:
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 8, 2011, 8:52 p.m. EST by kayak69
from West Sand Lake, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I'm interested in comments from anyone who has looked into this. You can find it at
do it
I first came across it in the last week of October. It's the RepubliCrats worst nightmare.
NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia July 4th 2012
Thanks for your input. I think it's a start in the right direction. Hopefully, the news will spread. It's being advertised on Current TV.
The news would spread like wildfire if the NYCGA publicly endorsed it. The media outlets would arrive in droves to find out WTF a National General Assembly is all about. When they realize it's the RepubliCrats worst nightmare, they'll realize they have a real story on their hands. I suspect their masters will do everything in their power to suppress it. That's where the true power and beauty of the street level protesting can shine. That's your American Spring -the march from Wall Street to Independence Hall !!!!!!!!
So why isn't NYCGA endorsing it you ask?