Forum Post: WWIII Imminent!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 24, 2013, 5:50 p.m. EST by quantumystic
from Memphis, TN
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
A blunt and explicit threat from North Korea on Thursday that its missile and nuclear programs would “target” the United States !!!
Quick to North Africa instead!!!
Here is a social experiment: let's just drop a nuclear warhead in an isolated portion of North Korea and let them know who they are playing with?
It's their third test.
They want the respect that comes with balance of power.
Hell, China has somewhere between 24 and 29 ICBMs for the west coast and, yet, it's a big ass chess game.
I think he's just rattling his saber -
but it is too short
I thought WWIII was underway for some time now - ya know the corpoRAT war on society/humanity/world?
There's not been a single day of peace for Americans in decades.
Oh, sorry, that's Blackwater, who are paid mercenaries.
It would be interesting to see a people's commune come together to come close to what the corporate schmuck Apple has produced.
Are they suicidal or what? Such threats are nonsense.