Forum Post: WTF IV or Global Warming and the Heartland Institute
Posted 10 years ago on May 13, 2014, 3:27 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
That's right mutherfukers, I do . . .
I was shocked when I ran across an image of that billboard on the Union of Concerned Scientists website: Global Warming Solutions. It was in the slide show:
Exposing the Fossil Fuel Industry's Disinformation Playbook
In this interactive slideshow, UCS reveals the secret tactics used by the fossil fuel industry to spread disinformation and delay action on climate change — the very same tactics used by Big Tobacco for years to mislead the public about the dangers of smoking.
The mission of the Heartland Institute is to discover, develop, and promote free-market solutions to social and economic problems.
- One South Wacker Drive #2740
- Chicago, Illinois 60606
- Phone: 312/377-4000
- FAX: 312/377-5000
- Email:
Previously from the WTF Department:
They seem pretty concerned. Perhaps the Heartland Institute is a clear and present danger as well?
You mean like these guys?
"muzzling dissent".
That sure does sound like a familiar hew and cry.
I've heard it around here, as well.
Perhaps we should let them carry on about chem trails?
it would be more their speed and they would need fewer puppets and bots.
I don't think that's the chem trail theory they're proposing.
Oh, and don't mention the record flooding in the Balkans.
last I checked, the military is really best at killing and destruction
Re. 'The Donor's Trust' and 'The Heartland Institute', also see :
''Climate of Doubt" describes the Libertarian individuals and groups behind a well organized effort to attack science by actually undermining scientists and to try to unseat politicians who say they believe there is current climate change caused by human activity.
This film also investigates the funding which powers the sceptic movement in the name of free market, anti-regulation, small government causes and finds that funding has shifted away from fossil fuel companies to more ideological and less public sources. Also see :
So, just who are these 'free market think tanks' and 'institutes' behind this pseudo-libertarian crusade ?
e tenebris, lux ...
Crazy fkn MadDog !!! Watch the ''Climate Of Doubt'', read the links & STFU !! Cranky Bastard !
''Democracy for Dollars", by Bill Moyers : [4:43] & .. .
Do you see now what happens when I contribute to your threads or we exchange pleasantries ?
temet nosce ...
Nah ! I won't ''resist'' on this important AGW matter !! I'm in for a penny in for a pound now MadDog, lol !!!
Even if you continue to contrive or affect not to get my links, others will. You just keep barking, I'll work !
fiat lux ...
Gee, you were a lot more friendly a year ago. What happened? Lost your grace? Here's an epic climate thread from a year ago. Everyone should check it out. There are loads of good links and great information there:
I've been here all along too. It's disintegrated because of the crap treatment of real occupiers who have been bullied, banned and maligned on the open forum, called Republican and libertarian simply for not supporting the status quo, for not thinking that the Democrats are the answer! For standing LEFT of the Democrats! For that they are called right wing and Republican. It's ridiculous. Bring back all the banned occupiers who stand for the interests of the 99%!
Talk to jart.
blocked me on twitter
We did. Now you're gone. Hasta la vista baby!
And there you have it.
This is actually not about you and your $150. It's about moving beyond yourself to what is best for the most people.
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Maybe that's why you lose it so often.
And, just who let the libertarians/Republicans/neocons do all of this? Huh? Who stood weakly by the sidelines while their country was raped and pillaged? Huh? It's time to wake up and take back American politics, which, as we have learned, is largely run by the economic system. Study history and you'll find that economics is the driving factor of most of it.
"Obama biggest recipient of BP cash"
Obama .."is the top recipient of BP PAC, and individual money over the past 20 years according to financial disclosure records."
Couldn't we classify our President as a "libertarian" or a "repelican"? Either way, he definitely is eligible to be a member of the "liar's club."
There are 'left libertarians' who are socialists (cf. Noam Chomsky) & who aspire to and are interested in concepts of personal 'liberty' for The 99% within a societal framework and then there are US style '1%er Libertarians', who believe in 'Corporate Personhood' and that 'Money = Speech' and worship money and are used by The US / Global 0.01% Parasite Class.
I know that you don't get out much but there's a bigger world than just Vermont or even The U$A. What I said above is Politics 101 but of course we don't like each other and you don't believe a word I say, AND you regard left-libertarians and US Libertarians as one and the same, lololol. So LoonDog .. perhaps it is you who needs to WTFU & further to my links above :
ad iudicium ...
Hmmm, you're a bore, a boor and a boar !!! However, despite your self-evident mental instability, I've got a joint & some time now for sure !! Btw, ''lyin shill'' is most ungentlemanly & haven't we done this 'B4' ?!
From snooz' thread no less, lol. You DNC retards are so samey. No wonder GF fukt off & left y'all + see
If you want to make a latrine of your own thread then I'll still try to make sense, even as I piss all over u.
veritas vos liberabit...
Thanx for an example of one of your 'rational rants' !!! Stupid fkr !! Keep barking, bitch ... I'll do the work !
Here's where 'Heartland' ; 'Heritage' ; 'ALEC' ; 'AEI' ; 'Cato' ; 'The Kochs' etc. Etc. took their cue from .. ..
minima maxima sunt ...
''FCC'' ?!!! Your thread was about AGW & Corporate Lobbyists and Think Tanks !! But I did predict that you, yourself would ''make a latrine of your own thread'' and with your continued verbal aggression and despicable language, you've failed to prove me wrong - yet again !!!
It now strikes me very deeply that, though you copied in bold the second paragraph of my link .... you have actually NEVER read ''The Powell Memo'' have you ?!!
You make such a lot of noise here - some good but some utterly outrageous ... yet you appear not to be familiar with this Key Text of US Corporatocracy !
Listen up now, MadDog - despite past agreeable exchanges, we are NEVER going to be getting on here (because you seem to think I'm a Rand Libertarian & a foreign agent lol & I regard you as a conservative Hitlary supporting Dem and Likudnik) - but nevertheless, you really need to both read 'The Powell Memo' link AND explore that site thoroughly and try to see it's extremely deep relevance for everything going on in the U$A ; FCC, ALEC, SPN, CU etc.
Ergo, once again, I recommend : ; ; ; + ~*~
e tenebris, lux ...
Sadly paranoia is your default position once again !!! You are choosing to now confuse me with Shule, after having done so with Trashy, hchc, flip, A4C before - and with no comments or even inclination to engage with !! Sheeesh and sad sigh !
Ho hum & perhaps consider .. ''The Corporate Security State is tipping the balance between the self-interest of a governing corporate elite and the rights of the rest of us to freedom, privacy, safety, and fairness.'' from :
Get well soon & here's a tune : & reflect on the lyrics.
pax vobis. ...
Your frustration is showing....;-).
If everyone that ZenDog told to f off, or called a libertarian, paulene republican, tea bagger, repelican, (did I miss some) really took him seriously and left the forum, I guess he would have it to himself wouldn't he?
Don't you know?
Global warming is a completely pa(R)tisan issue, because Ted Cruz doesn't believe a word of it. Nor does Rubio.
Of course Bernie called him out.
and it's proven, Rubio doesn't have a leg to stand on.
It's still right out in the parking lot.
Yep. I've been busy and made all of three of four comments over the last few days, mostly on global warming and pollution, and I've lost well over 200pts in that time.
I've lost 2k+ points since Easter ! Is this supposed to mean something lol & do 'points' have any lasting meaning at all ?!! Do you give a flying fck about them & if so why ?!!! For others here - maybe consider :
"Shale Gas Bubble Looms, Aided by Wall Street", by Steven Horn : &
"US Climate Bomb is Ticking : What the Gas Industry Doesn't Want You to Know", by Kevin Zeese & Dr. Margaret Flowers : .
multum in parvo ...
It's a clear sign of manipulation.
The bots are still active, and points are still an indicator.
Points do matter, they always did. That's why trashy wanted them gone.
Manipulation is all you've done here.
For instance:]
Libe(R)tarians are destroying Democracy in my nation.
How about yours?
I do think Neoliberal, Neocon, 'status quo subscribing' conservatives of various stripes, are slowly killing democracy in USUK and elsewhere ! Right-Libertarianism is a significant part of that problem, for sure !! So - how is it that you are replying to my already removed reply there and btw might that be considered to be a ''manipulation'' d'you think & wtf is going on around here exactly ?!!! + Fyi, maybe also refer to ... & also see : + per OP- by TH too & by David Graeber .
I didn't open your decent looking TH links as I am trying to get what's going on here but I may look later.
fallaces sunt rerum species ...
That's predominantly because you're a stupid, paranoid and fractious li'l cunt - and further fyi :
nosce te ipsum ...
All your crazy rants and accusations - say that you give more than ''a fuck'' MadDog !!! & !!
My bed time here now you Crazy Chihuahua but you can bet your fat arse I'll be back !
vale ...
Admit it - it was the Ted Kaczynski photo that really got your attention, right ?!!! Because you easily identify with the lone-nut vigilante - right ?!! Therefore, 'The Heartland Institute' only came last, right ?! ; ; ; & ... .
No I do NOT ''keep throwing out completely discredited repelican candicates (sic)'' at all, I've used PB's words on just a few occasions amongst all the many, many thousands of words, hundreds of links and well over a hundred forum-posts in my time on this forum and again, you really need to once again see my point b) here : .
Your forum-post ; your thread ; your decision how you want to play it .. but I won't duck your b-s either.
fiat lux ...
Re. Rand Paul, it was Thom Hartmann's take on a POTUS run and the Pro-99% effect it could have on The Democratic Party that I was trying to highlight and frankly you are bright enough to both know what I was alluding to and to absorb what Thom Hartmann was saying but of course you'd rather try to use it as a b-s, faux cudgel against me, lolol. Now let's try again :
If you really give an actual shit about The American 99%, then I suggest you watch the video & Thom Hartmann's 'Daily Take' segment embedded therein. Finally .. re. your forum-post and this thread, Bill Moyers in conversation with David Suzuki :
Never mind Ted Kaczynski, Ted Bundy or Ted Kennedy, deal with the here and now. Go on - repeat that and you want to delve into MKUltra ? Go research The 'Kubark' Program & its effect now @ Gitmo etc.!!!
respice ; adspice ; prospice ...
Re. Thom Hartmann, admit it - you do not rate, like or even possibly ... know him ! I even more strongly suspect that that you give a 'huge fuck' what I suspect !! However there's really no mere suspecting that you are someone who has actually voted D AND R in the past - is there and WTF does thAt say about the only choices you consider applicable AND the relative interchangeablity of the two ?!!!
ad iudicium ...
I very strongly suspect that you are pretty much the only person who could think that you have even the merest idea about 'Zen' or know anything at all about 'my dreams or thoughts about possibilities' & thus, so much for your first video, not to mention your 'amour propre', lol ! Re. PB, yawwwwn and once again :
Your second video - ''The End of America'' ...was a much more interesting insight into The Repugnant Damaged Brain and just how 'Bat Shit Crazy' seems to set the pace and agenda in the USA so much.
Furthermore, knowledge of and allusion to 'MKUltra' vould get you into trouble at worst and accused of 'subscribing to a conspiracy theory' at best but not from me though lol. Now my question is, have you the grace to watch this far more insightful video presentation :
fiat lux ...
So when I read ''I stopped reading'' .... I too stopped reading !!!
You stupid ass mthrfkr, u don't have clear evidence of fuk all !!
Other than your R & D confused head being up your fat arse !
& [17:47m]
temet nosce ...
Do you have the one where he rips on (R)epelican'ts?
I can find you a bunch, if you can't find any.
And you wonder why he calls names so easily? I don't blame him.
Plus you never did post any of the Thom Hartmann links I generously provided you with.
Which ''he'' .. the (No)Zen(Mad)Dog ?! Of course you ''don't blame him'' lolol - you manipulate him into doing your DNC dirty work !! Why didn't YOU put up the links to the Thom Hatrmann videos .. after all you're the one who claims to like TH so much .. u ex-Libertarian, zealot convert to 'Liberalism' u, lol !!! and .. .
nocse te ipsum ...
You don't know Jack.
and don't forget all the cocaine in the water supply.
"'Devastating' Impacts of Climate Change Increasing'', by Dahr Jamail :
But you just keep trying to differentiate arse from elbow and imagine that 1% Neoliberal b-s in the UK, has something somehow to do with me, you parochial xenophobe. You don't know Jack OR Jill btw lol.
temet nosce ...
So you did notice the avowed right winger at the top of the important comments column?
Or when certain individual show up, they are immediately at the top of that column, by a large margin?
Yep the bots are still active.
D'you mean this comment by Shule ? Don't be such a coward, link to it instead of just sliming about it :
''Bots'' my arse !!!! People (incl. me) TOTALLY got what he said there and voted him up !!! Awww, was it critical of Dems ?!! Fkn parDisan idiot, in-fill-traitor imbecile ! Everyone here - jart et al has your number.
gnothi seauton ...
OK, but you get Buchanan, and Duke too.
I though you hated jart? You said so just a while ago. Now you want to name drop?
Plus that isn't the only right wing comment from him to get on up there.
Yep. Bots.
''It's a clear sign of manipulation'' ... to lie, leave your lie up there yet remove and shadow ban my reply !!! Did you really think and hope that I would not notice snooz ?!! Jeepers Creepers, worra numpty you are !
Never mind ... ''The bots are still active, and points are still an indicator. Points do matter, they always did. That's why trashy wanted them gone.'' ... but what does your mendacious, manipulative and mean-minded scheming clearly now reveal ? You are hung on your own petard here - yet again & I repeat my previous reply and - can keep doing so IF you like :
You ''thought [i] hated jart'' ?!!! Sure I've differences !! BUT what evidence have u for that canard, snooz ?!
Keep making shit up in the vain hope that it'll stick, idiot. No one here is impressed or fooled any more !! & re. points :
Now cite your evidence for my ''hate'' for jart or you are shown for what you are, right here and right now !
verum ex absurdo ...
et e tenebris, lux ...
Clearer every day.
All you've ever done is make stuff up.
Will you be posting any of those wonderful links I gave you from Thom Hartmann now?
Or will it be just convenient lip service you give, like you do for Bernie Sanders, while you ignore the gist of their message?
Not to mention how you ignore injustice in the UK.
I've provided you with links to that too.
More billionaires per capita than anywhere else in the World.
bréag duit
I don't translate your BS Latin either.
Right on bro. Ignore the girl she has lost her way. As for the shooz he never knew the way
Would you please stop lying?
If you can show me where I've put forth this thing you've accused me of. I will back off.
But the truth is...You can't, because I never said those things.
The only thing spewing around here these days are the bots and puppets who never admit to anything truthful at all.
Just mindless disruption and pointless baiting and name calling.
Shooz does not have waning popularity. However, I can imagine one could be led to believe that with the multiple IDs and bots that you run. Tell me, Sugar, what are you still doing here? You have destroyed the forum. That is what you came to do. So, why are you still here?
You came here to destroy the forum. You have succeeded in your mission. You are not here for any other purpose. So, having accomplished your mission there is no real reason to be here. There is no tyranny here except for yours.
Then why is it you are acting as a tyrant?
A script kiddie tyrant, who always wants his way....or else!
You fucked this place up good.
Her question to you is much more real than your response.
When the truth emerges ; liars become very cranky indeed !!! I utterly reject your brain farts !! Your mendacity, manipulations & myriad mean-minded manoeuvres - are clear for all to see !
Now a line by line response of your abject & self-serving bollocks & remove it and I'll just post it again :
REally ? Cite some examples then instead of knee-jerk reacting to the exposure of your jart lie.
No I will not be posting your TH videos sent by unsolicited 'Private Message'. So why have you FAILED to post them - especially as you claim such affiliation for Thom Hartmann's thoughts ?
The gist of Bernie Sanders' message is that .. Independent Socialists trump Dems for The 99%.
I do not 'ignore the UK', I ignore your attempts to deceive, distort and distract, using those links.
You have provided links from - the draw of your past Libertarian tendencies perhaps ?
There are more billionaires per capita in UK than anywhere else now. Arab, Chinese & Russian oligarchs etc. scared of their 99%s & looking for a safe haven in The Global Finance Crime HQ.
Hmmmm, re. 'breag duit' .. yep you do 'do it' - 'brag' that is !
Re. the Latin - yes, you do translate it I think & finally see : & so do try to get real here shooz.
veritas vos liberabit ...
Who gets Gloria Platko?
you are boring.
when are you gonna shut up and actually do something violent?
Turn about is fair play right?
For the record, I am not who you think I am. Your hatred and animosity toward me is based on a flawed assumption, and has nothing to do with the substance of what I have posted here. ZenDog, I have taken the highroad, and will continue to do so. Unity is the answer, the only answer.
Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future. John F Kennedy
You are right, this place is a cesspool for sure. It's hard to tell who, if anyone is here for legitimate reasons. I'd like to point out some things though. When TEA started it polled something like 40% of the population, then came the moneyed republicans, and most people stuck around though reluctantly. Today TEA polls around 8 %. What I have been trying to say is that 32% of the population gave TEA a chance, and left of their own accord for most of the same reason that you site for hating TEA. It seems to me that those folks were smart enough to eventually realize they were being played. Those folks might not be far left progressives, but they are sick and tired of the same corporate crap that Occupy is.