Forum Post: WTF happened yesterday, where were you?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 10:52 a.m. EST by tarbabyjane
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I am disappointed in the passing of the trade agreements Obama signed into law on October 21,2011. Organizations such as Jobs with Justice has worked hard over the past two years educating and drumming up support in an attempt to persuade our elected officials to vote against it. The passage of the Colombia, Panama Korea Free Trade Agreement passed with out a so much as a whimper from OWS on how it affects me and the other 99ers. This law signed by Obama backed by the Chamber of Commerce will have an devastating impact on jobs a legacy that will have an greater impact on the American public then OWS blurred messages. I am also disappointed in me, I could of done more because apparently what I did do was not good enough.