Forum Post: WTF Dept. VI: At The Post Office
Posted 10 years ago on May 19, 2014, 4:49 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
So I had to get a stamp today. Of course I went to the Post Office thinking that it was just as easy to mail the letter at the same time. Then it's done and I don't have to think about it any more.
The clerk at the counter was fairly young, mid twenties. After providing my stamp she asked if there was anything else I needed. I said no, but that I did have an informal survey that I was taking and would she be interested in participating.
She gave me a quizzical expression for a moment before calculating the total cost of the day's services, a single stamp; and I continued:
Yes, you see, I'm wondering - would you think me some hero if I planted an axe in the forehead of the Koch brothers?
She giggled mischievously, handed me my change and kind of shrugged.
You don't know who they are?
She shook her head and said "no."
There were other postal customers waiting behind me in line and so I resisted with all my might the compulsion to explain the Libertarian platform of David Koch from 1980, which did at that time advocate:
“. . .. the abolition of the governmental Postal Service. The present system, in addition to being inefficient, encourages governmental surveillance of private correspondence. Pending abolition, we call for an end to the monopoly system and for allowing free competition in all aspects of postal service.”
I wanted to insist that she simply must take some interest in these influential individuals who are intent on the elimination of her job . . .
Instead I turned toward the door, shaking my head and thinking . . .
What The Fuck
WTF is right. Some jerk in line at the post office hassling a clerk just trying to do her job. This girl doesn't give a flip about your Koch obsession. What is gained by messing with someone just doing their job. WTF is absolutely right in this case.
Have you thought of seeking professional help? I am not trying to be funny here, talking to someone would not be a bad idea.
Don't humor it, its goal is to make us all look really low information and a bit crazy. Turn off people that come here out of curiosity.
If thats not the case, then thats what this things idea of activism is. Well, that and posting on the internet.
Either way, not worth the time.
In this case it doesn't matter you political views. You were rude and a jerk bothering the girl at the Post Office. It really is that simple. Got it now?