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Forum Post: Writers Wanted for a movement based news and info site http://citicommons.com

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 29, 2011, 2:36 a.m. EST by RichardGates (1529)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Writers Wanted for a movement based news and info site http://citicommons.com

do not respond to WAT99P or planet.com dude is harvesting emails.



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[-] 1 points by WAT99P (9) 13 years ago

BANNED FROM FACEBOOK!!! Im having a problem logging onto Facebook. Seems odd that Facebook was used as a crucial tool in the middle east to organize people to stand up for their rights and overthrow their

dictators. Funny how now that protestors are gathering at Wall Street and around the world to demand Justice for plummitting the world economy into chaos that many people are having

trouble logging on to facebook...this same senario happened in Iran when people starting organizing against their government. Seems to me that Facebook has been taken over by the.01% to

prevent the 99% from organizing. The 99% must organize before Occupy Wall street becomes a faded memory... organize your groups around the world...elect leaders to stand together

world wide. DO NOT GIVE IN!!!... DO NOT GIVE UP!! It is time to take our countries back from the greedy and corrupt. For those of you who still have access to Facebook it is your

duty to spread the word.

Please post this on your facebook profile and forward this email.


[-] 0 points by RichardGates (1529) 13 years ago

this guy is an email harvester