Forum Post: Wow Me More
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 23, 2013, 2:32 a.m. EST by peacehurricane
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Incredible how quickly some turn. This forum lacks one thing, consistency in character. Opinions are a personal thing at times requiring patience when they belong to others. There may be little in "facts" for amount of them proved to be is none. Goodness in feelings require no word hence the Feel. When words are written with purpose to hurt, shame, belittle the purpose is as none for content is justice done to whom from it did come. Wow to you that have to me done for harm never intended is from where I come and wow again done... ALL ONE!
"When words are written with purpose to hurt, shame, belittle the purpose is as none for content is justice done to whom from it did come."
"This forum lacks one thing, consistency in character. Opinions are a personal thing at times requiring patience when they belong to others. There may be little in "facts" for amount of them proved to be is none. "