Forum Post: Would wealthy people and companies stop trying to accumulate more wealth if we took away incentives?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by RichardGates
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probably not i'd say. i'm sure they would continue like clockwork to make more money without the incentives just the same. i thought you republicans said you didn't like entitlement programs? wallstreet is entitled to gov cheese to get off the couch everyday and you're not? to bad huh...
I would say pork is the other white meat.
Given that Financial Institutions have failed us, that we, the tax payers, have to salvage them when they go under, that we cannot trust wall street icones anymore, I recommand that a new Bill of Rights be prepared and voted directly by the people (direct democracy) to promote only one fundamental principle, that is the principle of cooperation, i.e. one man one vote, regardless of the number of shares one owns in the institution. The principle of cooperation (much like it is the case for Credit Unions or a financial coopearative like Desjardins in Quebec) would be the only basis of incorporation of all Financial Institutions, including Banks, Trusts, Insurance companies, Loans companies, etc. Current institutions would be required by law to change their incorporation charters and retrofit themselves into cooperatives, with the priniciple of one man one vote as a new modus operandi. With this principle, the managers of Financial Institutions would't be able anymore to allocate themselves immoral bonuses like they do today, because they would never have more than one vote, like everybody else, in the organisation, regardless of the number of shares they might own. Majority share holders rules would then be something of the past
ok but this is a bit off topic. this belongs as it's own thread.
No. But, I would say that if you un-package the incentive - there's the motive for cheating! I don't care how much money you've earned - I'm bothered by the rampant theft involved in meeting 'bottom-line' incentives.
could you clarify, i'm not following.
i'm not promoting this site or it's views, only using it to share data about corporate subsidies
Like the money?
all of them. tax dollars and lot of them go to all kinds of big biz and R&D intended to benefit companies and corporations. this needs to stop. if we can get living wages and remove all gov subsides to biz, we can eliminate every type of welfare cost to the gov. big money needs to pull up their big boy panties and pay the cost of doing biz. pay their employees so they don't have to lean on the gov for food and rent then do away with the subsidies (corporate welfare). both sides are right, republicans about entitlements, and dems about subsidies. wallstreet has been pushing their cost of business on the public for far to long.
What incentives did you have in mind?
You can't take away incentive because you don't have the power to do anything. A bunch of smelly, unemployed kids with a childish entitlement mentality are just a pesky nuisance.
The same reason that you wouldn't get off your ass and go to work if you weren't getting paid. Seriously, dude? Your using the internet on a computer to post a comment while your probably sitting down on a couch in a house or apartment. Let's think about this. Somebody thought of an idea, they saved up and risked all their money to create what they though of, which they probably worked 80hrs a week to get going in the first place to provide one of those things your using right now. Ok, so why would that person do that if there was no incentive?? I mean I get it, you recent the wealthy corporations, but please understand Why and Who you recent, cuz u can't ask a question of someone you wouldn't ask of yourself. The real issue is controlling policy, squashing innovations that compete, and creating markets through payoffs, barters, and manipulation.. that is what what were fighting against, isnt it?
so if the government doesn't give them money... the companie will not make a profit? dude that sounds like a failed company LMAO, ftard.