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Forum Post: Would Obama veto Glass Steagall?

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 7:51 p.m. EST by hymie (391)
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I have heard he would, but I'm not sure. Any Obama supporters there who are in touch with his campaign that can tell us about this?

From what I've seen, the most serious OWS protestors all see passing Glass Steagall as the one point that all must agree on.

If Obama would veto Glass Steagall, he would have to be impeached. Glass Steagall is the most important step in ending the current crisis, which quickly could become increasingly murderous.

We have the possibilities of a food shortage and a global nuclear war facing us now, and passing Glass Steagall would be the first step in making sure these dire events do not occur.

"China will not hesitate to protect Iran even with a third World War" Major General Zhang Zhaozhong http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPjxeyG-Ztw

Chossudovsky: US will start WW3 by attacking Iran http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4p1kD8CZX8

RT: China Says Either WW3 or New World Order http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeQ70AuoJg8

'Iran cornerstone of possible WW3 over Mid East' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beonoKiVYzY



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[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago

Obama has already said he would veto Glass-Steagall.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Do you think he should be impeached?

[-] 1 points by riethc (1149) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

It seems like not a single congress person is doing anything about it. The only ones standing up against him in the US are some generals, who are trying to stop him from allowing Israel to start a nuclear war.

[-] 1 points by EndTheFed214 (113) 13 years ago

There is one congress man who is trying. Ron Paul

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Is Ron Lawl trying to impeach Obama? Is Kucinich working with him?

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

If Israel doesn't start it Iran will. We are in a terrible situation. Kim Jong iIll is working on long range missiles to blow a nuke in our upper atmosphere. That would f..k us over big time and send us into the stone age.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

You know, what we need really is the Star Wars program which was advocated years ago, and was intended to have an international coalition shoot down missiles using a tremendous laser system.

If we had that now, we wouldn't have to worry about nukes. And we would be able to shoot down big asteroids if they threatened us as well. Like the one that made the dinosaurs extinct.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

These people are not going to attack us unless we attack first. Why would they? It would assure their own mutual destruction.

People say Iran could have someone like Hezbollah use their missile, but we would still know that Iran was behind it and retaliate against them. Why would they do something self destructive like that?

Israel is being used by people who want to depopulate the planet. Those are the crazy people we have to worry about right now.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

Plus, ahmadinajab, or however you spell it, wants to bring back the Mahdi.

[-] 0 points by Farleymowat (415) 13 years ago

I agree it is crazy people. But can we stop them? I don't know if our government is smart enough.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

If all of OWS understood this and did something about it immediately, maybe we could stop them. If we can reach people around the world and get this specific message out that is.

From what I hear, Lloyds of London is giving it about a 30% chance that it will happen. And the window is from now until just after the New Year, great Christmas present, huh?

Right now, only US generals are the only ones here standing up to Obama about it. The Russian and Chinese generals talk about it openly also, but don't want to give anybody in the west propaganda ammunition to use against them.

[-] 1 points by newjustice22 (49) 13 years ago

yes he would he is a wallstreet boy

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Do you think he should be impeached?

[-] 1 points by newjustice22 (49) 13 years ago

yes admittedly look even maddow is talking about it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVdRanfzhyc&feature=g-u&context=G1b25fFUAAAAAAABAA

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

GS would be a major foundation in economic recovery and stabilization. We need a foundation to lay brick, not the fiat house of cards "ponzi" scheme we are faced with now - that is about to be blown away. 0 confidential in market, currency everything. The system must be scrapped and this is pivotal for the economy. It would separate the problems that caused the banking crisis in the first place. Next would be printing money based on a standard, gold/silver/platinum/diamonds lets pony up.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Yes, but we also have to think of what comes after GS, which should be a New Deal style recovery program. It would be based on a national bank making low interest rate loans to finance infrastructure development projects. These would be productive project to improve the economy, not "make-work".

When FDR did it, these projects put people to work at good paying jobs, improved the economy, paid themselves off, and then some.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Something like New Deal 2.0, however there are way more people and way less work, not much left to build. FDR was a good "leader" the current status is not so great. Our manufacturing base was here not in China. Those jobs gone. What happens to all the debt?? Do not forget what was done by FDR. HJR 192, all assets of the US, property, citizens and work they represent all resources, everything was put up as collateral, including me and you pal. There was no gold backing the money. We were told to turn it in. We are the "reserve" There is no Federal government in Federal reserve. Just as Federal as Federal express. So what happens to the debt? It stil has not been paid off since 1933, only a deeper hole.....That is the problem we face my friend.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

There can be as much work as we desire to create, and I mean real productive work, that pays itself off, not "make-work". First, we have to write off the illegitimate debts on Wall Street, by passing Glass Steagall.

Then we need to develop high-tech infrastructure. If you think about it, infrastructure is what makes the difference between first and third world countries. We need to solve the problems of nuclear power, and build magnetic levitation trains.

We need to have a system to bring the water that falls in Alaska, which is 50% of the total that falls in the US, and bring it down to the central desserts to create first new agricultural areas and later cities and towns.

The increased precipitation would enhance both agricultural and wild areas throughout the US. It would also replenish our diminishing underground water supplies.

They used to say that the thing about Americans was our "can do" attitude. We have to reclaim this and put it to work immediately.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

I agree but we first need to stop transporting the water to China, via bladders. We are sending them a lot of our water as China's aquifers are drying up. I agree all your ideas are good, but the influence of power must be broken. There are many things broken. I am concerned about more. The can do attitude is key but people will not fight for our country unless they are rallied we need a leader for that

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

We can get water to China easier by helping them build pipelines down from Siberia, and they can help us in Alaska and with our new trains. Then we can connect them up by a bridge or tunnel across the Bering Strait.

You are right about breaking the power of phony money. We need to go back to real money that works for the people.

Yes, we need leaders, but we need to realize that we need a new kind of leader, or different at least, because we can't have the status quo. We need to look at the great leaders of history:

Washington - fought and won against the British financial/corporate empire Bejamin Franklin - developed a government system that promoted scientific ideas to benefit the public Lincoln - maintained the union against a financial empire that was trying to divide and conquer it Roosevelt - turned against his class of financiers to create jobs for the poor Kennedy - developed a space program that paid ten dollars in terms of economic development for every dollar put into it

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

I was referring to the goal with JFK. He was a leader, he even went back to a monetary standard. He was our last real president that is why they offed him and his brother. Threat to status quo.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Obama tried this with the ARRA09 repaving highways, etc all sorts of infrastructure projects. The coming pipeline is another potential project...But what about all those troops about ot come home and face unemployment? They will post on the homeland, in the proposed FEMA detention centers. If people get out of line and riots/protest occur these will be the rehab centers where they will be put to some sort of work, and given a place to live. There are also many natural earth shaking problems on the horizon so there will be rebuilding I suppose. So lets wait and see.....I did some 2010 census work, and even when the work was done they dragged it out two months over , it was called vacant delete checks, quality control review, etc. It was all only supposed to take 4 weeks instead 12 weeks. When they passed the stimulus they added more work to us which was a repeat of same. I made some good money for a bit though.

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Yes, I guess we all know that things can be done in a wasteful, inefficient way. But we have to regain that spirit we one had that any problem could be solved. We have to become a country that builds things of real value again.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

We need a leader to get everyone on board, I am you are that is a start. The problem everyone will fight and argue and we will not move ahead. The division is great we must unite on one thing, not terror, not war, but our future. We need a universal goal that we can all agree on - Kennedy pushed for the moon, look what that did. FDR rallied everyone up. The spirit needs rejuvenation, actually resuscitation. You refer to the spirit, what stinks most people are trapped or afraid. I am ready you and I can be the "newfound" fathers ;)

[-] 1 points by hymie (391) 13 years ago

Sounds good, I always wanted to be a founding father.

[-] 0 points by NewEnglandPatriot (916) from Dartmouth, MA 13 years ago

Now take this and if we the 99% unite under these basic founding principles and abandon the rest - The 1% would be just that - insignificant; we the people would regain control. It started with an idea, let us rebuild from that. It would take a war of magnitude, and they have the atomic weapons... That is the problem and they would use them on us, and will use our military against us if faced with this challenge. I will never give up, but many will in name of fear that is what needs to change.