Forum Post: Would Be'S If They Could Be's Part 2
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 5:47 a.m. EST by CHRISHEPBURN
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I wonder if anybody is real out there so far all I have seen is a bunch of harmless buffoons that want a party. Fools calling out for sleeping bags what about Mommy coming to tuck you in. Other fools looking for Poets I guess Tofu and Sylvia Plath would go down well. Bunch of kids PLAYING. However anybody real out there that knows dirty words like Social Justice for if such a person is out there one would expect them to be morally outraged that an evil woman stole from charity. WWW.JUSTICEFORTHECHILDREN.ORG CHRIS@CHRISHEPBURN.COM As for the kids looking for Tofu Poets and Sleeping bags you mean well but you do not have a clue.