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Forum Post: Worthless & Surrealistic Joke

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 9:28 p.m. EST by BeatMan (16)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I see that OWS has turned into a worthless pile of dogshit. Instead of building an organization and actually doing anything, people are masturbating here and thinking that they are really making progress. This is what the American system does to people: makes them think that by writing some garbage on a site, that then they are making a valuable contribution. Folks, get you ass off this site and go actually do something. What a bunch of spoiled and useless new-age pathetic infants. Using your iPad dressed in the latest hip clothes and talking the hip rap is no substitute for the hard work of actually organizing. This site is pathetic. Haven't been here in a more than a month but I see that it is still a Vapid Piss Pot. You call yourself Progressives?????????????????



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[-] 0 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

They are Regressives. They wish to live in a past they weren't part of. They are the disillusioned children from a system where you got a trophy just for showing up. They think that because mom and dad said they were special and could do anything they want, just because. Once they got bounced out of college/ parents basement(or attic),and found out things just aren't like that, they got salty. If they spent a quarter of the time working on a skill(or working, period), they would be a damn sight closer to their own personal goals.