Forum Post: World 5.0 - Healing Ourselves, Our Earth and Our Life Together
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 4:05 p.m. EST by jimprues
from Cincinnati, OH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For the last seven years I've been noodling and gnawing on this idea, stumbled on while walking my dog. Now I feel I've cracked the code. World5 appreciates that Life Is This Moment, consisting of Eternal Awareness and This Constant Flux of Energy. Hence the constancy of awareness we feel, and the ever changing nature of events [time]. With this grounding, we appreciate that of prime concern is our intent. And the choice is to think and feel from fear, or from Love. It is this stark, this absolute. And only one makes us happy. So we need no one but ourselves for personal healing. It's all on us, as we are the only masters of our intent. But we very much need each other to transform this dysfunctional culture. Hence the coagulation of so much energy right now. Unlike anonymous, we do forgive. We forgive everyone and everything so as to be fearless, and to ultimately learn to forgive ourselves. "The only real freedom is freedom from fear." We just don't tolerate any World4 bullshit. World 5.0 has a great love of truth. Like occupiers, we intend a world where systems are designed with integrity, justice and balance as the guiding principles, with the goal of alleviating human suffering, not corporate profits. This is the Great Turning. We are awakening. We live, we love, we move from here.
........... you sound like you took too much lsd
It's a big idea, Hank, and very foreign to this broke-ass World4 culture. Hard to condense into few words. There are videos and articles on the World 5.0 site that might help, plus the book that breaks it down rather nicely...