Forum Post: Working for lasting change... One step at a time.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 12:39 p.m. EST by BenBrand
from Jacksonville, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The foxes are in the hen house. They've locked the farmer in the basement and paid off the cops to protect them if the farmer's family fights back. They are bribing elected officials to pass laws to let them legally rape the chickens and pillage the farms. Plus they demand all the foxes get bailed out for letting the chickens escape while demanding tariffs be levied on foreign eggs driving up the cost of breakfast for the rest of us!!!!
I am the 99%, I demand Rule of my Country. I am a sovereign individual and I will not stand idle as my rights and wellbeing are sold to the highest briber. Democracy is a process not a government structure. Not everyone in the 99% is part of the 99% movement. Its obvious we stand alone but are numerous! The 99ers will need majority in every district and state to effect Legislative and Executive structure needed to make lasting change anytime soon.
The US electorate is apportioned to ensure the 1% stay in power over us. They legislate for their own interests at our expense. To avoid a revolution, and remove the need for a people's coup... First incremental change needed to reign in the corruption is to introduce a national Proportional Representation (PR) election to open up decision making power to non-corporatized parties. Having a national level apportionment method ensures minority parties like the greens, teas, masquerade, libertarían, etc receive proportional representation and are protected from state or district level buy outs like we currently have. PR takes power out of the hands of the majoritarian parties. Meaning new parties have a chance of demonstrating their effectiveness in governing without selling out to the corporate contol system. Once the power struggle shifts in the people's favor we will be able to get back on track to the core mission of our constitution ... to form a more perfect union for the people.
With out National PR, the minority who have grabbed onto this movement will fail to make it into office to push for lasting change without clear demands on restructuring how our leaders are chosen. The United States has the best democracy money can buy... That is not good enough when there a far greater democratic ways we can adopt to ensure everyone, not just the rich, can create legislation. I am partial to fair and balanced opportunity for geographic and ideologic representation on district and the national level in the house of representatives. Let the senate keep the states interests.
If congress doesn't do it Article V of the US constitution states "...on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the Congress".