Forum Post: worker bees protest/your greed sickens us /peacful protest
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 16, 2011, 9:56 a.m. EST by WORKERBEE50
This content is user submitted and not an official statement please go to this link where you can purchase a symbolic gift for a friend or yourself . a cell phone charm with green message /wallet card (green due to being made out of my recycled cardboard) the message says we are the worker bees nothing nothing would get done without our labor your greed sickens us. The peaceful demonstration of the worker bees: we PEACEFULLY are exercising our right to say ENOUGH!!!!!!!!! thanks for looking (recently unemloyed single mom trying to put out a token reminder of who we are, we the majority that is ) if link doesn't work plug in phone charm with green message wallet card thanks