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Forum Post: "Words for an Occupation"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 11:54 p.m. EST by AJourneymanWayfarer (1)
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Words for an Occupation

When they demand that you state your demands, With a show of a great rainbow of hands And full-throated cries as high as the skies, Tell them, "A garden where hope never dies."

And when they insist you must have a list,
Say, "Sure you have guessed, just all that we've wished, All that you've promised and all you've dismissed." Then quietly raise one militant fist.

But if for a plan they ask and cajole, I think I'd say this with loud drumming roll: "Undo a stone street and tower of lies, And lay in a garden where joy never dies."

-- "Stef," A Journeyman Wayfarer



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[-] 1 points by AJourneymanWayfarer (1) 13 years ago

(Re-posted with the garbled line breaks indicated by slashes.)

Words for An Occupation

When they demand that you state your demands, / With a show of a great rainbow of hands / And full-throated cries as high as the skies, / Tell them, "A garden where hope never dies."

And when they insist you must have a list, / Say, "Sure you have guessed, just all that we've wished, / All that you've promised and all you've dismissed." / Then quietly raise one militant fist.

But if for a plan they ask and cajole, / I think I'd say this with loud drumming roll: / "Undo a stone street and tower of lies, / And lay in a garden where joy never dies."

-- "Stef," A Journeyman Wayfarer