Forum Post: Woodstock Fights Fracking!!
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 31, 2013, 1:41 p.m. EST by shoozTroll
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"While New Yorkers anxiously await Governor Andrew Cuomo’s decision on whether to lift the state’s de facto moratorium on high-volume slick-water horizontal hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking,” Woodstock, the iconic counter-culture capital of the world, has become the first municipality to call for legislation to make fracking a Class C felony.
Woodstock’s action is just one small town’s response to a rapidly escalating global war over fracking. To both sides in this war—environmentalists and citizens who oppose fracking on the one side and the gas industry and its supporters on the other—the upcoming ruling to allow or ban fracking in New York is being viewed as (you should pardon the expression) a watershed event.
Decisions made in Albany and in towns like Woodstock will likely determine whether fracking goes full steam ahead everywhere, or whether its momentum can be slowed or even stopped. New York, after all, has a rich history of environmental activism and democratic movements, and anti-fracking activism has spread like wildfire over the last couple of years. New York is also home to abundant supplies of clean freshwater, an essential resource that is in crisis globally and that could be endangered by the practice."
"I don't want to live anywhere near drilling," said Hamlin. "But they could drill right under my land, whether I like it or not."
Using the Great Lakes as an effluent conduit.
What a way to maximize investor value!!!
Nice post, shooz. It's going to take local communities to bring down this fracking thing.
My calls to act in local communities and your own State have been met with derision.
But I'll keep trying anyway........
An action like this should be national news, shouted from the rooftops, but it's not.
And this entire thread is getting voted down. Hmmm. Think there are some fracking industry shills logged in? Whoever you are, think again about what your priorities are.
All I can do is bump it again and see who does and doesn't comment.
Fracking and the XL are very definitely OWS concerns.
Join @ClimateForward in DC for the largest climate rally ever 2/17. Obama needs to move #ForwardOnClimate! pls Forward
The 17th is coming up fast - People even if you can not attend you can share the opportunity to others - Please keep in Circulation.
Fracking dangers: 7 ugly reasons why wilderness lovers should be worried wilderness via @sharethis
How come the wingers don't comment here?
Anti-Fracking Movement Map | Food & Water Watch FOOD4THOUGHT pls Share/Circulate.
Don't know - lacking in education? Lacking a sense of self preservation ( lacking consideration for others? ) ?
Isn't fracking the kind of tyranny the gun nutters are supposed to be fighting against?
Instead they ignore it.
Lead poisoning?
I recall that NONE of them were willing to be tested for exposure when I first suggested it might be a problem for them.
So I'd have to think that that might be correct.
Well it would make sense for the stinkin thinkin - nerve damage.
It certainly would and therein lies the reason they don't want to be tested.
At least it gives this thread another bump.
If only we could get them proper care under a universal health care program - detox their system ( get the lead out ) - detox their system ( get some mental health therapy ) - but I suppose that some of the lead poisoning damage might be irreversible - though - Here's a novel thought - get em music therapy - help em to rewire their poison damaged gray matter.
or for a better twist, perhaps they should be treated with the same derision and stigmatization, reserved for tobacco users.
They did, after all "choose" to poison themselves with lead.
That's funny - I have never felt derision or stigmatized - I been smoking for over 40 years - try to quit from time to time.
You missed the many comments here on the subject?
At any rate you have been taxed to the hilt for that addiction, and that's a stigma in and of itself.
The state sure loves the taxes off of addiction physical addiction ( tobacco alcohol ) and captive dependent addiction ( fossil fuel )
great news!
I have a question about fracking -
I understand that they pump in water & a bunch of secret chemicals that frees up the gas. Question for any fracking/chemistry experts-
Would fracking work at all if they just used water?
Would it be 10% less powerful? 50% ?
Would it be dangerous if they only used water?
I M O - yes even just fracking with water would still be bad - because the barrier keeping the oil and gas locked in place is shattered ( fractured ) - so the natural barrier protecting our ground water ( aquifers ) is broken - allowing migration of oil and gas out into the surrounding area.
I'm figuring the chems they use are byproducts of refining that they don't want to spend money on cleaning up after, so they just inject it underground and pretend they had to do it.
That's why they demand it be kept an "industrial secret".
So yeah, I'll bet water alone would work almost as well.
Woodstock, the iconic counter-culture capital of the world, has become the first municipality to call for legislation to make fracking a Class C felony.
That's beautiful. It really is.
Yes it is.......:)
That reminds me of a song I haven't heard in ages.
Good tune!
Hauntingly beautiful and in retrospect a plaintive cry for progress.
Here's a live version from CSNY that I've never heard before.
Anti-Fracking Movement Map | Food & Water Watch › ... › Fracking › Fracking Action Center Our map shows the growth of the anti-fracking movement. Find out where the movement is growing to stop fracking and see why some communities are moving ...
Will this be a possible lead-in on the 2/17/2013 protest?
Can someone explain to me why they want to pump dilbit all over the place through a pipe?
If they're going to do it anyway, why not force them to refine onsite, and keep all the pollution in one place?
Is The Shit Gonna Hit the Fan?
More like they're tying to clean off a little of the shit that's already hit it.
I wish them well.
Me too - sane community action - not everyone is asleep at the wheel.
Woodstock's action will hopefully wake up a few more.