Forum Post: Won't Somebody take a Rock or a Bottle and Ashely Judd this BITCH McConnell!?
Posted 12 years ago on Jan. 6, 2013, 3:21 p.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For Darwin's sake, won't Somebody take a Rock or a Bottle and Ashely Judd BITCH McConnell!? Jeezass!
Kentucky, we're pleading with you. Aim for the head! Overwhelm your Zombies and bump that chump!!!
People of Kentucky and U.S.A. work to remove Mitch McConnell his greed has reaped him $32 million, his sabotage has gridlocked us! He's the quintessential 1% Hit Man!!
It is time for this greedy, corrupt old white [POS] man to be removed from power, he no longer serves the people that elected him, he serves money (remember Jesus threw the money changers from the temple)throw this money changer from the temple of democracy; public service is not about making money from big corporations and off the backs of your constituents McConnell has become corrupt with power, greed and avarice, he works for banking, medical insurance corporations and lawyers the very scum that have schemed and stolen the soul of our electorate to serve their own personal greed rather than enact legislation to help all American citizens McConnell is bent on lowering taxes on the ones who make $500k a year the extreme wealthy and raising taxes on you the working poor citizens of Kentucky/US, please do America a favor and vote this guy out of office, then seize the 32 million dollars he has made while supposedly working for you the people of Kentucky then put him on trial for embezzlement & misuse of office in his dis service of the People of Kentucky and America, Senator McConnell's personal fortune is estimated at $32,756,000 in 2009, having increased by $800,002 since the previous year, and ranking as the 12th wealthiest member of the U.S. Political positions power corrupts and greed overtakes the old mans soul.
Wikipedia has a collection of quotations related to: Mitch McConnell opposes President Obama out of spite and racism; McConnell in disservice to the citizens of the United States of America has sold his soul to corporations in exchange for wealth greed and avarice He is widely considered a kingmaker in Kentucky Republican politics the good ole boy group of racist whiteys from the 50's and 60;s.
From 2003 to 2008, among McConnell's top 20 donors have been 5 financial/investment firms: UBS, FMR Corporation (Fidelity Investments), Citigroup, Bank of New York and Merrill Lynch and Satan himself. During his entire political career, the top three industries donating to McConnell have been: Lawyers ($1.5 million), Securities and Investments ($1.5 million), and Health Professionals ($1.4 million)and soulless corrupted money changers $?no one knows. In April 2010, while Congress was considering financial reform legislation, a reporter asked McConnell if he was "doing the bidding of the large banks and Satan." McConnell denied working for the banks though it is widely suspected he is in cahoots and works with the moneychangers Jesus once threw out of the temple that work for the banks who work for Satan. McConnell has received more money in donations from the "Finance, Insurance and Real Estate" sector than any other sector according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
America's number one TERRORIST!!
Hey, Kentucky voters do you all really think that this rich greedy old white man cares about you, the fact you may not be able to feed your family in Kentucky; He does not care about you, vote someone in who will work for free, congress should be an honorary position lodging stipend only no meals, public service like the U S ARMY, U S Soldiers and Teachers should be paid more than sleazy congressmen. Throw the money changers out of the Temple of Democracy and work to enact laws to reform the pay congressmen receive, take the money out of the equation and bring back honesty to American politics.
Please Sign Petition:
From 2003 to 2008, among McConnell's top 20 donors have been 5 financial/investment firms: UBS, FMR Corporation (Fidelity Investments), Citigroup, Bank of New York and Merrill Lynch and Satan himself. During his entire political career, the top three industries donating to McConnell have been: Lawyers ($1.5 million), Securities and Investments ($1.5 million), and Health Professionals ($1.4 million)and souless corrupted money changers $?no one knows. In April 2010, while Congress was considering financial reform legislation, a reporter asked McConnell if he was "doing the bidding of the large banks and Satan." McConnell denied working for the banks though it is widely suspected he is in cahoots and works with the moneychangers Jesus once threw out of the temple that work for the banks who work for satan. McConnell has received more money in donations from the "Finance, Insurance and Real Estate" sector than any other sector according to the Center for Responsive Politics.
Quintessential GOP (political) Whore!!
And much of his democratic Obstruction he gives away, always erring on SABOTAGE!!!
Time for this Big$$ Hack to go!!
Start a new petition! Help Ashly Judd!!
Petition Closed:
I don't know how to break this to you but that petition is closed and has been for some time.
Jeezaas! That's what I get for multitasking! Thanx.