Forum Post: Women Safety Tent!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 1:52 p.m. EST by dugfmjamul
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
"It’s a safe house from the sex fiends.
Zuccotti Park has become so overrun by sexual predators attacking women in the night that organizers felt compelled to set up a female-only sleeping tent yesterday to keep the sickos away.
The large, metal-framed “safety tent” -- which will be guarded by an all-female patrol -- can accommodate as many as 18 people and will be used during the day for women-only meetings, said Occupy Wall Street organizers.
“This is all about safety in numbers,” said Becky Wartell, 24, a protester from Portland, Maine.
So when are all you 'CONS' going to admit OWS is doing everything it can to protect women from 'Sexual Predators' that may infiltrate the OWS Movement?
The Occupy Protests have not been "overrun" by sexual predators! There have been a few instances only that have been reported on! Protesters did in fact bring these matters to police as well as help apprehend one of the offenders.
Look at any prolonged gathering of people and you will find there are always these types of problems to deal with. Especially considering that is has been a proven police tactic, at least in NYC, to direct the homeless and recently released from jail to these protest sites in order to cause these kinds of disruptions. Of course women feel nervous to go to the police because the police might very well victimize them further with arrest or harassment if they find out they are with the Occupy movement. Even as a man It's difficult to trust them to do their job when we've seen how brutal and underhanded they can be with protesters. Though I don't blame women who don't try to involve the cops, I hope they do regardless *as long as they are careful. I think a Woman's Safety tent is a great idea and should be adopted by the other Occupy groups that are facing the same threats. They should have a place to seek haven and to be protected by the community. Our mothers and daughters need to feel safe at these gatherings, and anyone who assaults them or harasses them will be stopped, reported, and arrested.
True, the bigger the crowd the greater the chances of crime even sexual assault. But the fact of the matter there is no 'Women Safety Tent' at 'Tea Party Movement' events or need to build one, and no amount of SPIN can deny that fact.
Uh, I think America in general has a problem with keeping women from being raped, since I think 1 in 7 women have been raped.
Please post the statistics stating that OWS has a higher percentage of rapes than America at large. Otherwise this is what is called anecdotal evidence, which is ironic because anecdotal evidence is not evidence at all.
Save anecdotes and quotes for parties. These sorts of crimes are reported to the police, please call the Portland Police station and get some stats to back up this generalization.
I like the idea of a women only tent regardless of the safety issue. I am a single woman, and I much prefer not to sleep in the same tent as any man that I don't know.
I heard we have a "poke" tent too.
Actually three or four of them, where guys and gals go in different combinations to get funky. Helps relieve the stress.
I haven't been in one yet.
I'm in the tent now. My thanks to the all-female patrol.
God Bless.
Do you feel safe enough to spend the night in the tent?
So, how did 'it' go last night....any problems or was it like 'Campfire Girls'?
one more thing for security.
hook up 24/7 live web cams in the tent so we can look out for them online.
:P lol. j/k
good looking out
That's a great idea, maybe you should bring that to the attention of Ryan Hoffman.
ehh I dunno, but a good sense of humor can always find a smile.
How did you know I was smiling and laughing when I wrote that last post?
Can you do 'card tricks' too?
Do you think the sexual assaults are a result of all the drugs and drinking?
chemistry imbalance cannot be used as an excuse for violence
I don't know the stats, and I'm not a expert on 'sexual assaults'...sorry...I'm just not qualified to answer that question.
You should get Wavy Gravy to help with that. He set up the freak-out tents at the original Woodstock.
OWS is more than capable to 'police' itself, and doesn't need 'outsiders' to control their movement.
Excellent .... So you will not mind if we pull all police off the park and leave you to fend for yourselves?
Can white women go there? Or is it like Oakland where only POC (people of color) are allowed?
'peaceful protest' and sexual assaults are two very different issues, there may be sexual assaults during a 'Curling' event, Curling is definitely a non-violent sport and wouldn't be labeled as something 'evil'.
So if your a woman, why put yourself in a place known to have sexual assaults...real smart.
Women put themselves at risk everyday to sexual assaults at the work place, or just going back and forth to work each day. Are women suppose to stay home and not work just because of the fear of being sexually assaulted?
No they should get their concealed carry license like my wife and shoot the perverts when they are attacked.
I agree, I fully support the 2nd Amendment and its 'remedies'...
Again, I ask....why would you knowingly stay and support a place that is known for having numerous sexual assaults? Smart...really smart!
I don't know maybe it depends on the person, women still live in the 'Playboy Manson' and there have be reported sexual assaults there.
The 'cause' can be more important than personal safety, the world is not safe...risks are taken everyday!
So you are saying the OWS protest is like living in the Playboy Mansion? Nice! So if the "cause" is more important than personal safety then why have a Women Safety Tent? Are you guys at OWS not on the same page and down with the "cause"? if the "cause" is more important than personal safety then no -one should be upset when sexual assaults occur.....remember it's for the good of the "cause"
No, I'm not saying the OWS protest is like living in the Playboy Mansion, it was just an analogy of sexual assault in general.
You are going to have to speak to someone that represents 'you guys at OWS', it's not me!
So you endorse violence then. Anything for your "cause" huh? Adolf felt the same way I'm sure.
If you are asking me personally if I endorse 'violence', the answer would be of course in 'self-defense' of one's family or myself violence may be the only option available.
The fact that such a thing is needed speaks volumes about OWS.
What? Like some deviates or misfits may show up at a OWS rally just to prey on the 'good nature' of most of the people?
You said it,not me. It's you folk who tolerate all kinds of evil in the name of your "cause".
That's not true, the fact a 'Safety Tent' went up means there will no tolerance for sexual attacks on women.
It is true and evident. Why didn't you folks capture the perpetrators and turn them over to the police? Oh yeah,I forgot,you hate the police. You folks welcome rapists,anti-semites,racists,thugs,of all types and when it blows up in your face it's not your fault or your people. Truly sad.
You would have to speak to someone whom represented 'you folks', 'you folks' can mean are going to have to be more specific.
Replace you folks with OWS and it should be abundantly clear.Sorry you couldn't catch on to that.
I would guess OWS is not the 'Borg', a collective where the individuals are connected by thought and aware of each person's thoughts in the collective. Some people may not have followed standard OWS protocols in such matters, thus making the entire OWS movement look stupid.
Roflmfao....OWS has no protocols. OWS makes itself look stupid rather nicely. I would guess that OWS is a lynch mob looking to kill someone and take their money.
That's not true, there are OWS 'Security' Protocols according Ryan Hoffman...
Lol whatever helps you sleep at night I guess. I know if I were like you and endorsed sexual assaults I wouldn't be able to sleep at night. I guess everyone doesn't deserve the equal protection that OWS calls for.
Captain Morgan, Diet Coke with ICE helps me sleep at night. But how in the hell did you come up with me endorsing sexual assaults or that OWS doesn't expect equal protection of the law. You shouldn't just make stuff up just to win an argument.