Forum Post: women of occupywallstreet
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 9:20 p.m. EST by tamponcollectors
from Clearwater, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
WOMEN OF OCCUPYWALLSTREET : again today, in the US "house", you were ignored while this cult of congress focused on your uterus. don't discard your used tampons, etc, while cleaning Liberty Square tonight. instead gather any used menses supplies, seal these uterine slough components into biohazard containers and have someone truck them to the capitol. the nurses at you aid stations might help you do this safely. then dump them on the house steps. this will satisfy the house cult's deep desire to own such substances.
This is a trolls' nest. Trolly topic posted, trolls and rubes respond, trolls eat rubes and wait for burrahobbits. Don't feed the trolls.
burrahobbit? grin
hey wait, who you callin' a cube?
/me turns sideways, falls over on equilateral face
bigger grin
So a burrahobbit and a rubik's cube walk into a bar...
wow! this post actually received comments. Women of OccupyWallstreet, we will tell you now what we've told our granddaughters: Long ago, when we were maidens fair, buds crafted from deepest Love and loving Peace bloomed in our collective Heart. We stood firm against waves of violence, dragged and jailed, beaten. We placed flowers into hot metal barrels until weapons melted into pools of Love. Long days, cold nights. At last our young men forced never again to kill and be killed. Our young men said: "hey man, c'mon over, my ol'lady's makin oat bread." Until women are equal there can be no equality. Women of OccupyWallstreet: May the Devine Feminine empower You.
Uh, that sounds disgusting, and could be construed as a biological threat (blood). I recommend against this. You can protest with a feminine 'signature' other than your used tampons. Although, points for a nasty, nasty image. Huge stack of cold, bloody tampons of assorted states stinking in the pale October sun. barf
You do know what they can do to "terrorists", right?
Also, on the sanitary side, what if some of these tampons are soaked with STDs and blood borne pathogens like HIV? Who gets the short straw on handling them, and later, uh, arranging them? And where are they going to get a bunch of legit biohazard containers from for the transport?
Pile them up,,take pictures and send the pictures to every damn politician and members of the Supreme Court.
good idea
I just don't think that's going to send a message a maturity and merit. I don't think it will make them stop and say, hey, these people may have a legitimate point, or minimally say, hey, these people are serious, average Americans...
There is no maturity left in Washington D.C. And the gesture is not to get them to say "they have a legitimate point". It is meant to be is not meant to be politically correct. They had 'nice' ...this is just another part of the next stage.
So let's sink to that level? This won't be effective, it will only get a few laughs, and will make a couple people get all worked up, and leave a filthy mess for the poor sanitation or groundskeepers to pick up. Bad message. Do something constructive instead, to prove them wrong.
I think it's going to make them stop and say, hey, we're dealing with a bunch of ignorant children who like to throw flaming bags of doody (basically), and dramatize their whining with overly vivid and filthy tricks.
women of occupywallstreet please shave!
that was rude
It's more of a while you're at it kind of thing.