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Forum Post: within the next thirty days

Posted 11 years ago on July 18, 2013, 6:08 p.m. EST by bensdad (8977)
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[-] -1 points by BlackRepublic (-33) from East Windsor, CT 11 years ago

Happens all the time in the hood.

[-] -1 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

If it's murder the killer would get prosecuted. If it was self defense the shooter will go free. Just like Zimmerman. That's the way our justice system works.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

the justice system always works because juries are always perfect

[-] 0 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

Not perfect, but more just than just about anywhere else on earth.

[-] 0 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

it is obvious you are a troll.

[-] 1 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

I've been on this site longer than you. I know a troll post when I see one. You've trolled me on a couple of threads. Pleas go away if you have nothing to contribute.

[-] 0 points by itsmyblood (10) 11 years ago

you are a moron go hang out on the democratic party chat boards.

[-] 1 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

Nope, no democrats for me. Stormfront is much more entertaining. I see this forum and Stormfront as being most radical opposites in the scheme of things. You can learn a lot by listening to the nut job fringe on both the right and left

[-] 1 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

Sad story, but it has nothing to do with stand-your-ground. Do you understand what SYG is?

[-] 0 points by Moonbat (-37) 11 years ago

Yeah, I was just mocking bensdad. He's had an "epiphany" and thinks that SYG is responsible for all gun homicides.

[-] 1 points by Narley (272) 11 years ago

Got it. Sorry, sometime I'm slow to catch humor.


[-] 0 points by BlackRepublic (-33) from East Windsor, CT 11 years ago

Drug deal, just sayin'... with an illegal weapon. That'd be my guess.

[-] -1 points by Moonbat (-37) 11 years ago

I agree but bensdad seems to think that syg is behind all gun deaths. Unless, of course, he only cares about black youths being shot when it can be used to advance his racial/political agenda.

But that would be a terrible thing to do.

[-] -1 points by BlackRepublic (-33) from East Windsor, CT 11 years ago

Some are under the impression that establishment America is not compassionate; that they are not tolerant enough. Others believe that never ending tolerance will indefinitely permit the sale of that which incites the cynic as justly profitable. But I worry just the same.

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Over 40 people are murdered per day in this country.

[-] -3 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

Your cartoons are becoming more insulting by the day.

[-] 3 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

they are not mine - but thank you anyway
but I must admit, I am curious
who are they insulting ? you? alec, nra, koch, norquist, mcconnel, boehner, rand paul, paul ryan , darryl issa ?

[-] -1 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

None of the things you listed.

Figure it out.

[-] 1 points by bensdad (8977) 11 years ago

Do YOU find them insulting because you are not bright enough to understand them?

[-] -2 points by TikiJ (-38) 11 years ago

The MSM is geared towards the brain of a 6th grader. We all understand them just fine.