Forum Post: with winter aproaching
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 22, 2011, 12:06 p.m. EST by northernnieghbour
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The protesters should be happy that winter is around the corner, not because of the cold, but because once the snow starts to fall they will have a building material to build shelters.
sleeping in a igloo is not that bad, I do it at least once a year when i do a ice fishing/winter camping trip in Saskatchewan, Canada where the day time high in the middle of the winter is -17C (on a good day). to heat a igloo just use some candles. do not use a electric heater you do not want to make the interior so warm as to melt the snow.
To keep warm at night make sure that your sleeping bag is rated to 0C or better. if it is rated for 0C make sure you put an extra blanket of two inside and that should make it good to -10C. but it reaching -10C in a igloo should not be a problem with a bunch of people sharing one all day because you body heat should keep it at a fairly reasonable temperature.
That's my advice for the winter