Forum Post: Wis. Teacher Refuses Award From Paul Ryan During MLK Ceremony: ‘Lackey for the 1%’
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 2:53 p.m. EST by gestopomillyy
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and they say Occupy is having no effect
Considering Ryan was calling him a thug, not too long ago, this was restrained.
I would have bopped him in the head with it and said, 'there, now I'm a thug'.
Good for Al Levie.
I think you will see more and more of this very public repudiation of repelican policy, policy makers and policy shapers.
It's about time.
This is one of the reasons to argue in favor of teacher tenure. I am well aware there are many other reasons to be against it, and am on the fence, personally.
Hang in their Gov Walker, you are doing a great job. Walker should run for Pres