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Forum Post: Winter is Coming! Some Ideas to Continue - Shin=Fire!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 19, 2011, 7:15 p.m. EST by davidisrael (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Amass spontaneously for sit-ins in public places such as:

bank lobbies, business and corporation lobbies and offices, public utilities, police stations, city halls, capitol buildings, restaurants and retail shops that cater to the wealthy, homes of the wealthy, social clubs of the wealthy, businesses that make profit from war, health care systems that profit from people's suffering, pain, sickness, and limited resources. Do it in many places at the same time so as to overwhelm the security and create confusion. This is a way to take the protests indoors. Also, occupy foreclosed homes across the nation. In major cities, organize those who have vehicles that are subject to repossession due to sustained job losses and have them drive at the same time to a particular location and create a gridlock so traffic cannot move. Parks the cars and lock them with emergency brakes applied. Remove VIN's from dash and chassis and License Tags. Watch and wait or walk away. Perhaps, being careful how to do it so there is no injury except to property- set the cars ablaze before leaving. It submit that rather than turning over more ill-gotten gains to the plunderers who have perverted our laws and politicians to their favor than we set these "material things" ablaze rather than surrender to them another penny. Those participating must be screened and self-disciplined so as not to let in spies or undesirables. I would suggest that for the most part the protests be silent with a designated spokesperson so as no to provoke.



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[-] 1 points by davidisrael (1) 13 years ago

Thank you for your comment. However, not all the places I suggested are private, most are public or open to the public. And even so, all the earth belongs to all. Woe unto those who build house to house and confiscate land to land so that my people have no place to live.



[-] 0 points by fuzzyp (302) 13 years ago

Your asses will be right back out onto the street. You just can't occupy private spaces and not expect to get kicked out.