Forum Post: "Win America Coalition" Seeks to Game & Pickpocket US.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 25, 2011, 1:10 p.m. EST by Commoner
from Oakland, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Google, Apple, Oracle, Cisco along with other big time corporations have parked $1.4 Trillion offshore in tax havens. Now, in the guise of bringing needed revenue into the US, they are lobbying hard for a big discount on taxes, from 35% down to 5.25%. They already hurt US labor by offshoring these activities, so, Really? OWT Supporters, please use your voice to resist this effort! Everyone loves using the tech of these companies. But think of all the good that could be done with the tax revenues if they had to pay their rightful share. For more about this, read the article published 11-25-11 by Carolyn Lochhead in SF Chronicle.