Forum Post: will worries over privacy turn to censorship of information ?
Posted 11 years ago on Dec. 20, 2013, 10:27 a.m. EST by MattLHolck
from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
will worries over privacy turn to censorship of information ?
Are we giving up freedom for privacy ?
the film Drone wars has been pulled from youtube
I think the bigger question is more towards this end: Why is there a false choice between privacy from government versus corporations? In both scenarios corporations win and they will profit either way and freedom is really defined as cash.
people owing cash
are restricted in their future options
having obligation to the past
How does that relate to what I said, again?
if one has cash, one can purchase the services of others
Which in turn will buy you privacy. Not really. Let's ask Merkel.
A great deal of privacy deals with not wanting onlookers to shame and judge our actions
though shame itself restricts what is acceptable to do
as long as no one is hurt by such actions
people often equate privacy with freedom
privacy laws could block sites from publishing "private information"
this secrete shopper scam told me to lie about my intentions in order to get paid
specifically to send money and claim the precipitants are mu relatives if asked
sure i understand
How to find a CIA website
search kill kill war war bomb kill
It is a public war of terror
gears of war (mad world)
Why not? We have already given up our freedom for "safety". Seems freedom isn't of much value anymore.
Because it is a fiction or has become an entitlement? Discuss....
living together requires allot of cooperation
And this comment is pertinent, how(?) to the trinkets we have traded for our freedom? If this site had a moderator worth a damn, you and your inane nonsense would have been banned 2 yrs ago. What sock drawer do you belong to? Bensdad or Thrasmaque?
No war brother, peace,love dove
relative to freedom
we make concessions of actions to work with each other
that limits freedom
let's invent some idealized concepts
and strive to live with them in the real world