Forum Post: Will Obama be kicked off the ballot in Arizona?
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 29, 2012, 7:01 p.m. EST by foreeverLeft
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And maybe some other states? Looking kind of grim for the bamster!
maybe we should just go ahead and give Arizona to Mexico
I wouldn't think the Mexicans want it: they'd have to deal with the idiots who live there.
We will handle them. Just give us our land back please.
Fair enough. You can have 'em.
that's a wide bush stroke. all of Arizona to a backward failed country like Mexico. Did you know that Arizona has a lot of immigrants from Mexico. They left Mexico to the U.S. because is a superior country, they don't what to go back to Mexico or south of there. Liberal idiots like you don't understand that.
Hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha
Carlitini99 1 : epa1nter 0
That's right moron, this is nothing but a game. It's all about keeping score. Inequality, keeping people down, racism, and the like aren't real.
What a fucking fool.
Hey we're just confused, we (the people) passed MMJ, they (the Rs) passed 1070, we just got a serious case of "fandom" here's a take on that:
I think you saw this too:
But hey since 98 we've had public financing, you should see the Drug law reform/prison reform/MMJ prop we passed in 1998 but the Rs gutted it, then we passed prop 105 which says thou shall not screw with our porps, If we get enough people here they can't stop us from building the direct democracy model.
you mean give it back to them - we took it by force under bullshit pretenses (iraq war come to mind?)- it would be a nice move to give it back
Don't forget Texas.
Cool, then I can get my medical and dental at a fair price. Me vaya a mexico por bueno drogas y bueno hospitals.
No! There's no regulations in Mexico, people die constantly during medical procedures. It's better here in America, where people die from not getting procedures because the regulatory burden has driven the cost through the roof.
You mean the insurance companies.
No... I mean the regulatory burden. The insurance companies can only increase artificially the cost of getting insured, they can't increase the cost of procedures. You think regulations don't increase costs?
The entire insurance industry is a racket that produces nothing of any value, and if it was abolished it would cut the cost of health care in half, over night.
Okay. We could cut the cost by three quarters by getting rid of outdated regulations.
There is a reason for regulations on medical procedures and drugs - the reason is to prevent people from dying from lack of testing. There is no reason for the insurance industry at all. They produce and provide nothing - they just get money. They're like the mafia - they kill people for money - only they're a lot richer.
Quick question:
Why do people buy their products currently if they are of no value to the consumer? Are people in free-market situations fond of buying things that serve them no purpose or good? I know why people will buy insurance in the next few years, because it will be illegal not to.
Do you not know the meaning of the word,"racket?" Why did people "chose" to do business with Al Capone? Because if you don't he'll break your legs. Why do people do business with insurance companies? Because if you don't they won't fix your legs?
The insurance companies have a lock on the system now, we don't have to wait several years for that. Why didn't they want a public option, because they knew that they don't do anything but extort money from people, and extortion is a faily valueless service. That would have become obvious if there had been a public option.
What happens if you buy health services and pay cash, without insurance? I'll tell you what happens, it costs a fortune. That is my central point. Why does it cost so much to buy health care without buying insurance? Hmmmm....
What happens if you have national health care and don't pay anything, the way they do in civilized nations?
Sigh. Thanks for avoiding the question, it really sounds like you are a troll, out to prove that left-wingers can't debate and often resort to counter arguments that sound like the question being asked. As a left-winger, I find it disruptive.
The national health care debate is a whole other issue, although I will note that benefits are cut off for older people who are left to die with painkillers. And of course, nothing is truly free, any benefits received are offset by lost economic opportunity. I have not been to the doctor in fifteen years about, and don't want anyone to pay for me to go. It is my right, just as it is my right to die if I get sick. Different things to different people.
We are getting off subject, and you still didn't explain how insurance companies are raising the cost of health care for people who pay cash. And yes, only an extremist would say that trimming some regulations is not an acceptable part of the solution to lowering costs, just as extremists say that raising taxes is not an acceptable part of the debt crisis.
Hi Thrassy - been awhile. How you doing? Still up to your bore them and confuse them with disinformation thing. I have to admit you take the cake, at least in the "bore them" department. You could bore a starving, lion over a fresh kill, into a coma in two minute flat.
I am fine, but I have no idea who Thrassy is, although I presume you are referring to Thrassymaque. I only vaguely remember seeing them around a while ago and I have no idea why people keep implying that I am him/her. I am not. If you are bored with rational debate, that is okay, we don't need to continue, but I am still curious how an insurance company could raise costs for people paying out of pocket. I guess my original suspicions were correct and there is no way. I don't know, maybe I missed something, but I come here to learn and engage in rational debate and you just avoid the question and say that I am boring. Funny, kind of.
Edit: Wait a second, what disinformation did I give?
How exactly would that happen? You realize you are saying essentially that getting rid of car insurance would cut the cost of getting car repairs? It doesn't make sense. I agree that the health insurance industry has tremendously corrupted the government, which is why it is going to be illegal not to buy their product in a few years. If you go to a doctor and ask for a procedure, and pay cash, how is the health insurance industry driving that cost up? The malpractice insurance industry is, but not disproportionately to other insurance industries. Drug companies would be able to produce a much quicker ROI if their drugs could be approved and put to market faster, regulation approximately doubles the time it takes to develop a new drug.
why don't we give you to Mexico?
Only if we take Kalifornia, New York, and Massachussets and use them for nuclear testing.
Well, you know what they say - "If you ain't seen Texas, you ain't seen shit!" It seems more and more like the same is true of Arizona.
They also say-" everything is big in Texas except for brains and peckers!"
Ha! I don't believe it! I actually agree with BlackSun for once! Maybe the right and the left can agree on something!!!
or better yet....maybe we should just go ahead and build the fence Arizona want's on it's west, north and east borders .. ;)
Is there a so called purveyor of "conservative" news that doesn't lie through it's teeth?
At any rate WND isn't one of them.
I say we wall off Arizona and Texas, both. And let's cut off states like South Carolina who get back more than they put in to the Fed. They need off the government tit. There's other southern states that fit this category as well. Funny that they usually are the Red States, straaaange, cut them off, they cry government's too big, they'll help reduce it by giving back the money they've been grubbing secretly while publicly lambasting it.
Then they can become the new "Chinese" for America Manufacturing. We'll save shipping and long boat charges.
Let's implement soon and quickly. Problem solved.
But those states are simply living the liberal dream; take money from the more wealthy states and distribute it to the less wealthy. Why on earth would an OWSer be against this? Your wanting to cut off "red states" is the same thing as Reps wanting to cut welfare. Can't you even see your own hypocrisy?
I say you go to those red states and teach them to fish. It's their last chance. Otherwise their stupidity will sow their fate. Fishing is simple to do. Just do it.
They'll be pleased that are succeeding at making government smaller and make them feel good their fulfilling a honorable purpose.
It will add to their hope they feel from Jesus. Just ecstatic, wonderful, loving, rebirth. Party time!
Yeah right ... the writers at WND need to stop smoking crack (they'll find they won't be quite as delusional).
Thank you for reminding us (as if we needed it) that a lot of right wingers are truely insane.
Makes one wonder if Barry should have sued those states for doing what he won't, uphold the highest law of the land.