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Forum Post: Will Morons Believe the Nunes diversion?

Posted 7 years ago on Feb. 3, 2018, 1:28 p.m. EST by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX
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I guess anyone stupid enough to have voted for Trump will believe anything their hypno-masters tell them. They're more mindless than zombies.



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[-] 2 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 7 years ago

Will Morons Believe the Nunes diversion?


I guess anyone stupid enough to have voted for Trump will believe anything their hypno-masters tell them. They're more mindless than zombies.

& there it is!

DRAIN T SWAMP ? With Donnie the Toxic Swamp Monster Himself!

Too bizarre to believe that ANYONE fell for his campaign BULLSHIT !

Still - a lot of supposedly smarter individuals wanted to put sHillary Rotten Republican Clinton into the presidency. How blind are they to the fact of her being unfit for the office?

This country needs severe mental health intervention!

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

WEhen a choice is upon you, you pout like a child and say "I don't want to choose" then you get Trump now you have repeatedly said you prefer Trump to Hillary, you are stupid as shit.

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

Have you kissed your picture of Trump today? To thank him for saving you from Hillary? I know you love your Trump!

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

My understanding of the matter of the collusion-with-Russia investigation is that it falls properly under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice and its FBI. Having read the released declassified memorandum from the House Intelligence Committee, I don't see how the political convictions of Carter Page matter to the continuation of the investigation.

The FBI (and later on Special Counsel Robert Mueller) can examine any and all potential evidence subject to the applicable laws. Most people have political convictions so I am not surprised that there are people like those doing the investigation. What IS important is that they keep to the duties of their offices and execute them in unbiased manners as exhibited by their actions.

"Out of unreliable components can a reliable system emerge" is the central and fundamental tenet of our Information Age.

The long-armed bravo/foolhardy Branch Davidian insinuates: 《偷 手要長, 搶 膽要大。》

We haven't gotten to the bottom of the investigation yet so let it rip on. I believe that the firing of then FBI Director James Comey (after Comey had requested more resources for the ongoing investigation) had much "smoke" associated with it. The subsequent meeting of the President with the Russians within days of firing Comey while banning U.S. press corps (seemingly to be a victory lap by the self-imagined "imperial" rooster with tail plumage stuck high to prove that it had golden shit stuck underneath - yeah, golden "cock-ad-oodle-doo" to all its underlying chicks that the piddling golden shower couldn't wash away) raised even more "smoke." Where there is "smoke," there may well be "fire."

We should all be curious and concerned about the integrity of our sovereignty as a nation. (even global thermonuclear war may well be caused by the misinformation - Saddam Hussein was playing games creating uncertainties about his possessing WMDs so they have been resolved by getting him hanged, sorry but too late) No dog leash.

[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2557) from Fredericksburg, TX 7 years ago

Help! I'm a fireplug.

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

Don't forget the zombie stupids that failed to vote to defeat Trump they are also responsible.