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Forum Post: Will Health Concerns be the Deciding Factor in the OWS Movement?

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 5:04 p.m. EST by AssociatedPress (0)
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The Occupy Wall Street movement which began on the streets of NYC last month has become a major annoyance to the citizens of the city and to the state of New York as a whole. The protestors continue to remain on site and in non-compliance with health and sanitation ordinances, despite hundred of complaints which have been filed by local businesses and private citizens alike. The protestors are urinating and defacating on public roadways, sidewalks etc, as well as in public sewer systems which lead directly to the City's Subway. The CDC "Center For Disease Control" has been asked to issue a report indicating the threats of Biological Hazards as it is assumed that a portion of the protesting population may be ailed with infectious cummicable diseases such as HIV (Aids) and Hepatitis.

The general consensus among the tax-paying population of New York is that the protestors need to leave the city and formalize their complaints and proceed accordingly with their grievances with the courts and their congressional leaders. Stubbornly, the protestors remain.

Mayor Michael A Bloomburg has been given 24 hours to order a police forced peacefull removal of all protestors and has been issued authority to call in the National Guard.



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