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Forum Post: Will Black Friday Shoppers Be Treated The Same as Protesters For Setting Up "Encampments"?

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:28 p.m. EST by RhiannaA (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Every year on the news and blogs I see pictures of the extreme "Black Friday" shoppers posted up in front of stores like Wal'Mart, Target etc. Tents and all. Just now, I log onto one of the many blogs I check and see pictures of people already setting up "encampments". However years previous when I saw these ridiculous shoppers, I thought just that...They are a little ridiculous. Today, I just got mad. Why? Because here I am 25 years old watching the imagery of my generation getting beat up, pepper sprayed and arrested for setting up these very "encampments" To exercise their right to free speech. But of course the powers that be won't admit that's why they are beating the shit out of kids. Instead they are crying that these kids pose a health and safety risk setting up their tents in parks and college "quads" and what have you. Now, pitching a tent in a high traffic parking lot days on end and where both cars and pedestrians are crossing... well that's fine. As long as it's for the greater good of corporate america. In the name of mass consuming "encampments" are fine. In the name of free speech? Nope, not allowed. In fact you will pay a heavy price for such "encampments" You will pay with bodily harm and future court cost etc. Is it bad that I would like to see these shoppers treated as my fellow Occupy Wall Street protesters? Pepper sprayed and beat up for pitching tents? I mean, that would be fair wouldn't it? But that's not going to happen b/c these shoppers are further contributing to the Untied States of Wal-Mart, so...They're fine! Obviously I don't want to see anyone get hurt, but seeing the tents did make me think why is one ok....and not the other? Something to think about.



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[-] 2 points by commonsense11 (195) 13 years ago

I don't know.

Do you think they will plan on staying there indefinitely making a mess of things, complaining with no real plan for what they want?

I'm guessing since they have lists of what they are there for and not planning on turning it into a permanent encampment they will not be treated the same.

[-] 2 points by AuditElmerFudd (259) 13 years ago

It's not a matter of free speech, it's a matter of trespassing.

Wouldn't it make more sense to negotiate a temporary lease with the park owner to allow Occupy to stay on unmolested by police? And you might even get shower and toilet facilities!

[-] 3 points by ramous (765) from Wabash, IN 13 years ago

That's what we did in our local park. We agreed to vacate every Friday so the city could continue its concert series. In return, they let us stay, as long as we obeyed all other laws. Which included not blocking any pedestrian or vehicle traffic. When they asked us to move something or or ourselves, we did. That was before we closed our encampment when OWS rhetoric and actions became too violent for us.

[-] 1 points by RhiannaA (1) 13 years ago

Wow! Where have you guys gotten your info? Bill O'Reilly? Put a little more research into what exactly takes place during such protests. I know Fox News loves to tell you tales of anarchy...and "hypodermic needles" littering the landscape of these protests. Shitting on side walks? That's a new one. Haven't heard that one yet. When I look at fellow protesters, I more so see people my age. Tens of thousands of dollars in dept from college, with out a job, or if they are lucky enough they’re working for $10 an hour. Nothing left over to put towards saving for our future, the families we would some day like to have. Instead we start out in dept and are encouraged to make up the difference from our minimum wage jobs with credit cards. So all you people who get on here saying the "Occupy" movement has no clear message...um, well.....there is actually a handy little tab on top of the site that says "About" you should trying reading it. Or Google it. Or better yet, go out side and talk to someone protesting. B/c a good majority of these people would be happy to explain in good detail what they stand for and are even offering suggestions on how to fix it. And more importantly, ready to hold those who blew this shit up accountable. So, spare me the whole "we don't know what we're talking about" and Occupy is just a "bunch of lazy people who don't want to work, shitting on the side walks" See? That does sound dumb doesn't it? There will be a time when as a Nation we look back on this moment in history as when the world demanded equality and opportunity from the handful of individuals who took it all away. And unfortunately for the ones siding with big banks and corporate America....well, you will just have to hold down your head in shame because you contributed to the problem, and not the solution.

[-] 1 points by jenga5 (6) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

If they start shitting on the sidewalk, they might see some pepper spray, yes.

[-] 0 points by Var (195) 13 years ago

It's not a generational thing. Don't get all ageist and discriminatory.

[-] 0 points by newearthorder (295) 13 years ago

We used to have 'encampments' starting the afternoon, the day before grateful dead tickets went on sale, and no one ever bothered us.

[-] 1 points by jenga5 (6) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Did you pay to get into the concert? Did you stay for 2 months after the show? Did you shit on the sidewalk? Did you yell "SHAME!" and "PIGS!" at the security for doing their job over and over at the top of your lungs? Did you cut the locks of the venue and smash the windows? Yeah, didn't think so. Acting like a civilized human being USUALLY (not always) gets you treated with dignity and respect. Acting like an animal usually leads to being put in a cage.