Forum Post: Wildfire:The Legislation that Ignited the Great Recession
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:38 p.m. EST by RAS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I recently read this book and it walks you through how the great recession occurred and what America can do to fix it. The book was written by a guy in St. Louis who stresses that the book is from the point of view of the American Taxpayer, not a financial executive. It is brilliant! We need to spread the word about this book. It is a great, quick read and personifies the OWS movement. Here is the link to the book on Amazon. This is THE book for the OWS movement!
For those of you just checking in.
Don't forget to petition the Justice Department to start prosecuting the economic criminals. There has to be accountability.
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
See also people from all walks of life, from all over the political map "not" supporting a party or leader or group of leaders but "supporting an Ideal".
This is why we are here this is why you are needed.
Share, circulate, educate, inspire.
Good book. I received as a gift, read it in three hours and loved every page. I highly recommend this one to everyone disgusted by Wall Street and our government.
Get it. Read it. Pass it on. Will be the book of 2012, mark my words.
Check it out!! Best book on the recession PERIOD.
This is by the far the hardest hitting book on the Recession yet. Many out there, this is THE ONE. I highly recommend it! Read it then tell a friend to read it.
Wall street, read it and weep. We are onto you.
This should be the movements handbook. Spread the word and start the chatter... 2 good 2 miss.
Definitely spread the word and get this book down to OWS. Many good ideas to help dig us out of this financial catastrophe. Many exec.s and politicians are exposed and should be held accountable.
I bought this 4 Kindle. Well worth reading. I paid like $8 @ Amazon. Somebody need 2 follow this cat.
@OWSnow I agree, would be a great handbook for our movement.
Truly a book that Congress and Wall Street does not want us to read. Check it.
The reason this book will not succeed is that it has no corporate backing. It is well written but sparsely distributed...I do recommend though.
What a great book. I stumbled upon the book while searching for books on the economy not written by an economist, lawyer, or financial exec. He nails it, we need to spread the word about this and possibly make it the handbook for OWS.
The author is an Architect from St. Louis. Read the book and loved it. It stares America's political system down and calls out those responsible for our economic problems.
I too read that book and agree wholeheartedly. Fantastic book for #occupywallstreet.