Forum Post: WhyOccupy
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:24 a.m. EST by smitty1occupy
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Are the ideals of the 'free market' and Capitalism that only 1 percent of the people will thirive economically and that the other 99 percent struggle to pay mortgages, have health care and feed their families?? I didn't think so... This is America, not only the land of opportunity, but the land of equality as well. It's funny how so many rich people forget that there are others out there who work just as hard as them every day and still can't make ends meet. If we raise taxes on the one percent would they even feel it? Probably not. Like most of us middle class Americans, whom live week to week, paycheck to paycheck or in many cases these days unemployment check to unemployment check praying we don't get hospitalized...Did you know that the biggest cause of bankruptcy in America is unpaid medical bills. Now, surely a tax hike on the rich could bring some balance back to what has become an out of control economic crisis. And maybe just maybe we can start to see government spending that extra revenue in the right places. Such as fixing the healthcare system, education and creating jobs. For that, we must demand accountability from wall street and from our government officials. The fact that there are still banks out there charging $35 for an overdraft fee when Im pretty sure there was a law passed to end this modern day highway robbery makes me sick. I've been all over the world and seen lots of systems that work a lot better than ours. Maybe these other countries don't give their people the chance to become as mega-wealthy but I know from first hand experience that as a collective people they are a whole lot better off and a whole lot happier than most of us in the States. The disparity between what executives earn in the U.S. compared to their employees is nearly 100 times larger than anywhere else in the world. I, as one of the 99 percent truly hope the filthy rich and greedy(mostly Republicans) will one day open their eyes and see that for the good of the WHOLE, they must give in to maybe not purchasing $39,000 backpacks made from alligator skin by the likes of the Olsen twins. This is just one example of many, which point out the outlandish differences between WE(the people) and them. The system need to be updated. At its current pace America is doomed to be a global example of why Capitalism in its current form does not work and to lose its place as the worlds utmost economic power. Come to think of it, that's already happened and to dig the knife a little deeper it is communist China that has supplanted us. I will end this little post by saying that these are just some of the reasons I support the 'OCCUPY' movement, thanks for listening...
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