Forum Post: Why you don't use megaphones on Liberty Plaza?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:06 p.m. EST by ExternalObserver
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Just asking...
Why you always make a kind of chorus to repeat the speeches of some people?
Why you don't use a megaphone? Isn't that more practical?
But don,t you love those choruses?
I think the "human megaphone" is awesome!
This is really a very unique form of protest!
And it supports the community!
It is not about the ego of the speaker, it is all of us!
I love it :-D
Sometimes it's difficult to understand what is being said...
is that so important ?
and for those who participate it is actually better!
Yes, and it makes those meetings take longer than they need to.
Time is a weapon!
this is not about "efficiency"
Let the banksters worry about that!
Because the police have made it a code violation to use amplifying equipment
OMG... New York City has become a true police state... Unbeliveable...
yes, NYC is a police state, no amplifying equipement, you can no longer walk down Wall Street with out a work ID, I think it is funny how much we scare them, they had to revamp the whole financial district, absolutley crazy! NYC is now the home of the cowards! So sad.
can no longer walk down Wall Street with out a work ID???
So, even tourists are forbidden from walking down Wall Street these days?
Can't believe this... What's the difference between this and Mubarak's Egypt?
yep, it is ridiculous, I did see some tourist persuade their way in, but the street is blocked off and they have check points. There goes our freedom, I personally think the Legal Working Group should be working on that issue, we should be allowed to march ON wall street, not just near it.
The police won't allow it.