Forum Post: Why would a poor person vote Republican?
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 15, 2011, 8:30 a.m. EST by randart
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I have long wondered why someone who is poor or lower middle class would even consider voting for a Republican. It seems as though they are against everything you live.
If you are poor then please explain why you would even think of voting for a Conservative Republican.
Because my parents voted Republicans. I was brainwashed into servitude. Furthermore, I need more poor people to keep me company.
The answer is that the QUESTION IS FLAWED in its premise. Almost all our poor americans live inside the cities. If you look at any electoral map broken-down by district, you can see that the cities vote overwhelmingly for Democrats (blue) and the suburbs/rural areas are Republican.
The mpa shows that very few poor persons vote Republican. They vote democrat because the democrats promise free handouts (food, child support, education, monthly check, free rides on the subway, free entertainment at museums/parks, and so on). The poor are very very wise people to vote in this fashion, and I'd vote Democrat too if I were poor.
I can just use my vote to swipe money from the government. It's logical. It's rational. It's profitable. I remember reading somewhere that government benefits pay as much money (or services) as a $12 per hour full time job. Yep. I'd vote Democrat.
I think these handouts are a reaction to a shrinking and strained middle class and increased economic stress of the lower class.
A strong and healthy middle class would reduce the need for government "handouts".
This lecture by Elizabeth Warren is really interesting and I think illustrates the point with facts.
Republicans like to hold teh poor down with welfare just as much as the Dems do. Another exapmle of bipartisan screwing.
Actually the Republicans are working very hard at this very moment to make sure that they don't get a chance to vote in 2012.
low election turn outs favor republicans
The more appropriate question that gets to the root of the problem is,
We can have endless debates about who votes in what manner, but it completely misses the larger issue of poverty itself. Why do we have a Republican Party? Why do Republicans defend tax breaks for the richest? Why do Republicans hate welfare programs intended to help the poor?
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a Communist."~Hélder Câmara
They think if they act like idiotic, ignorant fools, they too, will become rich. See "cargo cult":
"The term "cargo cult" has been used metaphorically to describe an attempt to recreate successful outcomes by replicating circumstances associated with those outcomes, although those circumstances are either unrelated to the causes of outcomes or insufficient to produce them by themselves."
"A cargo cult is a religious practice that has appeared in many traditional pre-industrial tribal societies in the wake of interaction with technologically advanced cultures. The cults focus on obtaining the material wealth (the "cargo") of the advanced culture through magic and religious rituals and practices. Cult members believe that the wealth was intended for them by their deities and ancestors. Cargo cults developed primarily in remote parts of New Guinea and other Melanesian and Micronesian societies in the southwest Pacific Ocean, beginning with the first significant arrivals of Westerners in the 19th century. Similar behaviors have, however, also appeared elsewhere in the world.
Cargo cult activity in the Pacific region increased significantly during and immediately after World War II, when the residents of these regions observed the Japanese and American combatants bringing in large amounts of material. When the war ended, the military bases closed and the flow of goods and materials ceased. In an attempt to attract further deliveries of goods, followers of the cults engaged in ritualistic practices such as building crude imitation landing strips, aircraft and radio equipment, and mimicking the behavior that they had observed of the military personnel operating them."
You think that I base all my decisions on myself being poor? Poor is a condition that I can change. Attacks on my personal freedom is another thing. That being said, I find that both parties are guilty of legislation that seems bent on controlling personal liberty. I vote based on the topic in front of me, not the party that it comes from. To approach this any other way shows a willingness to let others decide your destiny.
Most poor folks rely on fundamentalist evangelical religions and God to survive. The right wing of course realizes this and has capitalized immensely by using God and religion as their political platform. It works because these folks are too afraid that if they vote for the left wing then they are sinners, God will punish them, they will not be patriotic and it also means that they approve of abortion! The right wing has really done a number on this country by cobbling God with their agenda. Does anyone believe that the conservatives truly oppose abortion? I don't. They believe in torture, death penalties , birth control and war so why make abortion an issue at all? Because it's so easy to use that issue to manipulate votes by threatening a person's personal character.
They won't, but why would they vote democrat; they are both bought by the interest of greater than the highest porportion of the 1%.
They probably wouldn't unless their poverty was the result of just starting out in some job and they had an opportunity for advancing. If their poverty was self inflicted through crime, drug use, dropping out, early parenthood, and they are content with government handouts, they won't. They will more then likely seek to elect representatives that will promise them more of the same and allow them to blame someone else for their poverty.
Everyone has it wrong. It's not republicans nor is it Democrats - it's our society that is the problem.
Look at the commercials on television - they are directed at the X and Y generation - The commercials are directed to make you "feel good and have whatever you want".
So, as a result - people go out and spend and put themselves into debt up to their eyeballs.
Look at the housing market - foreclosures all over the place. That didn't happen back in the 40's 50's 60's 70's 80's or 90's.
It happened because everybody wanted everything and they wanted it all now.
Todays society holds "no value" towards what they own. Todays society is a "disposable society" that easily becomes distracted with the latest greatest gadgets along with wanting the most expensive item they "can't afford".\
There is no concern when a credit card purchase is made as to weather they could pay for it should their financial situation changed. It wasn't like that years ago.
When a person made a purchse they made sure it was paid for should they buy it on credit.
Todays society needs to get their head screwed on right and start thinking about being "financially responsible" instead of going out and buying the latest greatest product without little concern about being able to pay it back.
I agree that would be prudent, but if government and TBTF institutions are any role model, not only should people max out credit, they should never have any obligation to pay it back.
The problem is both sides cater to a base, and the rest is the swing area. It is all about statistics and marketing, as long as the swing and base issues are addressed - the majority will be OK with that. Thats how it works now with polls, stats, and what type of ad will swing the votes? Its like going shopping for a brand name, Coke or Pepsi people. Both the same, a cola but a different "flavor"
They want less gov't too. Because many of them blame the gov't for the way that the country is.
Don't forget that the Republicans that you hear most are government employees. They have government jobs.
As for blame, there is plenty of that to go around. The Dems seem to try and make it as best as possible while the Reps seem to do their best to make it hard on everyone through subtle lies.
Oh yes, government is Satan, all power is given to white Christian males.
Because Republicans are more successful and interested in creating jobs through private enterprise (business, production, etc.) Democrats are more interested in keeping poor people poor-by keeping them on welfare indefinitely. There is no incentive to work and better oneself, earning more money in order to be able to save for a home and other measures of financial independence. Many people vote Republican because they realize that entrepreneurship (which Democrats tax and spend on wasteful non-essentials, then regulate businesses to death) is fostered by Republicans, not Democrats. Many people have come to this country poor, and through business, strong families and entrepreneurship, they have eventually made excellent livings for themselves, pulling themselves out of poverty. Republicans emphasize Personal Responsibility (as opposed to enabling individuals to live off the government, have children without the benefit of marriage and fathers in the home, and oppose drug use, abortion, and homosexuality-all of which are forbidden in God's Word. Republicans believe in Fiscal Responsibility. Failure of the government to be fiscally responsible has lead to $15 trillion in debt and the loss of opportunities for us. Failure of citizens to be fiscally responsible results in credit debt and loss of homes, and perpetual indebtedness means you can never get ahead. Republicans are the most generous to the poor, by giving far more of their income to the poor in their communities, and to charities. Democrats pretend to be for the poor, but their policies hurt the poor. Then Democrats lie and tell you that Republicans hate the poor. This is for one reason only-to keep your votes, to stay in office, and to keep you poor, so you will keep voting for them.
The debt we now are all saddled with began under a Republican administration. George Bush began two wars and at the same time cut taxes on the wealthy, the first time this has ever been done. He put it all on the credit card and left the bill for the Democratic Party to figure out. Now, because we all have such short memories, this debt has been blamed on the Democrats and especially Obama.
How would the Republicans have fixed this seriously looming debt?
Not super poor, and not a republican, but maybe they do what they've been sold: told the republicans favor them: "god, military, family, guns, church, "traditional "values", tradition, individualism and freedom, the flag, Ronald Reagan strength, and less taxes.
Didn't Ronald Reagan raise taxes and say that the wealthy should pay their fair share? I saw film footage of these comments by him and sadly find myself wishing for a return to politics this type of Republican.
We need a fair balance in this country or it will go under. I have been thinking that the Mayan idea of everything having cycles is true. Just as the years have cycles so do empires. It seems like empires follow about a two to three hundred year cycle. Maybe it is a spiral outward so the time frames may slowly extend but the cycles are still nearly the same as they always were. America is nearing the end of its cycle.
In the good old days Repubs and Dems seemed to work together a lot more, despite their political philosophical differences, at least, and there were more moderates in congress. Now, with the TEA party pulling the republicans further right, there are few moderates left in the Republican party, because they get targeted as being leftist, if they want to compromise and work accross party lines. Reaga raised taxes 8 times, as I recall. He gave lip service to lower taxes & small government, but built up the military, and ran deficits. my daughter believes that mayan-legend-stuff. Actually, as I understand it, the mayans believed there would be another recreation, or a new cycle and rebirth in 2012, so things don't end, but keep going. Their clock and astronomy were quite accurate, but they believed time would keep going, despite the modern era, or their calendar ending. At least that's what they told me on the TV Discovery Channel. I'm no expert on the subject.
Everyone on this forum is shouting their partisan memes when what we all really want is balance. A level playing field. Equilibrium. Doesn't the American Dream spring from the proposition that America is the land of opportunity for all?
No one denies the entrepreneur the opportunity to amass wealth through his efforts as that translates into opportunity for his workers to provide for their families through their labor. When the enterprise is successful everyone wins as long as the workers get just compensation for the wealth they help create and the entrepeneur makes a fair profit.
There will always be differences of opinion as to what is just compensation and what is fair profit. Can we stipulate that in the richest Country in history that there should be a fair quality of life for all who participate in industry after the bills are paid?
Seems simple enough. The man for whom wealth is the measure of success gets the large part of what he wants while those for whom a decent quality of life is sufficient to provide happiness gets a good measure of what he needs. The fly in the ointment is greed on both sides. It upsets the balance. Skews the equilibrium.
No one will ever figure out how to maintain a perfect sense of balance but, when things are as lopsided as we now find them; we should all be able to agree on some of what is needed to put the scales to rights. It shouldn't be this hard. So my question is why would anyone vote for those who insist on promoting less equilibrium?
For this I blame the corrupting influence of money in politics. Politicians on both sides are having a party and are getting drunk on the paychecks they are getting from their friends in the world's biggest corporations and letting the rest of us go down the drain. We need to stop the contentiousness and focus on the problem that has caused such inequality of income and restore the equilibrium that insures opportunity for everyone and makes America the greatest country on earth. Then we can vote for those who will work hardest for all of us regardless of Party.
Some dont want welfare. And Clinton shoved it up the unions ass with NAFTA, and Obama just did the same thing with the 3 free trades he signed.
This book will explain it perfectly:
Uncle Sam's Plantation: How Big Government Enslaves America's Poor and What We Can Do About It
Democrats republicans...does it matter??
Vote for the person that you believe wont screw up the nation..
Stp this crap..
Same reason they vote for Democrats- the tv tells them to
The actual platform of the Republican party is in line with what many American's believe. Issues such as smaller government, personal liberty and personal responsibility resonate with many people. Unfortunately, most politicians in the party abandon that platform once sworn into office. Many people believe in a fair shake, knowing that not everyone can win, but it is still better to try and fail than to not try at all.
Dems seem to like to tell people that they will never succeed and need Uncle Sam to pave the way to prosperity for them. Many like the idea of taking the easy way and thus vote Dem for life, but many of these poverty programs only serve to keep people down. Look at the largest cities in America; they have been under Dem control for decades and they are the most segregated places in the nation with the wealth gap split right down racial lines.
How have the Dems helped anyone to advance in life? Giving someone an incentive to not try is not helping. Some people need a kick in the pants while others need an actual goal to work for. Why is it Dems are always against letting poor kids go to private schools? Is it because they would then have an opportunity to earn a good education, go to college and break they cycle of dependency?
Poor people vote Rep because it is seen as the party that will not protect one class over another, but some see that as favoring the rich. How can they cut taxes for the poor when they already pay little to no federal taxes? The only other group that can have taxes cut are the wealthiest. What more can the Reps do for the poor since the Dems seem unwilling to help provide a decent education; and that is the key to fighting poverty, not more handouts.
What poor people, or middle class people, or even upper middle class people don't yet seem to have realized is that the leadership of the Republican party just pays lip service to traditional conservative values while robbing everyone blind. Bush Jr. said it all when he addressed a roomful of the most powerful vested-interest groups in the country, i.e., the 1%, by saying "You are my constituency."
some people feel they should control the government
You speak truth.
But do you think you could split your run-n sentence into 3 paragraphs? It's very very hard to read. Thanks. :-)
It's not a run on sentence, there is plenty of punctuation; but I can break it into paragraphs.
Couldnt afford reading glasses and punched R instead of D.
The Republican Party is one of liberty and freedom ending slavery, passing women's rights over the objection of Wilson and the Civil Rights Act over the anger of Al Gore's daddy and other prominent Dems. The Democrat Party is one of the slave and Plantation which continues today as it is stratified by its Socialist Elite Leadership. In 1924 the Dem National Platform was written by the KKK who's candidate was not nominated for the Presidency by one narrow vote. The Republican Party has always been one of inclusion without litmas tests. The Dem Party wouldn't even allow the Governor of Pennsylvania to speak at its national covnention because he was pro life. The Dem Party is held by a network of Soros platforms including MoveOn and niche hate groups. The Republican Party says everyone is welcome no matter what income, race or religion. The Republican Party is the party of "hope to do better". The Dem Party is one of "you will only do what the government will allow". The Dem Party is the "taker of everything". The Republican Party is the "protector of private property and rights." If you want others to tell you what to do - vote Democrat. If you want to be a winter soldier rising to the test of liberty with responsibility - vote Republican.
It is true that the Republicans once upon a time had morals. They did the right thing for people but that has all changed. Richard Nixon created the EPA, a good thing, Ronald Reagan said that the rich should pay their fair share, a good thing. Now we have a whole different animal. The people who call themselves Republican are no longer those people.
The Republican party is sheer evilness, and the Democrat Party is now the old Republican party.
No, the Republican party is now the Dem, and vise versa....
Um, I think I mean, they are a the same fascist assholes htey have always been the last 40years
Koch Brothers took Republicans to EVILness. For you to say Republicans act like Democrats demonstrates to me you are in your own reality. I mean, this is not even disputed. The Republicans are far more to the right than they have ever been.
Far right is less regualtion, if we are talking economy. They are sticking their dirty noses in just as much shit as everyone else.
How many examples would you like?
The GOP has 5 or 6 bumper sticker ideas that they can sell at any time. They have clear Ideas to sell the public that have nothing to do with their real agenda, making the 1% even richer. Ask any republican to tell you what happened and you will get the same mythological answer from all of them. The '29 depression answer Smoot Hawley The 2008 depression answer the government forced banks to lend to the poor. Obama , answer, socialist Muslim. None of these myths involve any work or study on the part of the believers but that means nothing because the poor and uneducated elect our politicians.
New republicans have an obvious agenda and it's far removed from reducing government and being conservative.
The only reason I can think of is, for those who are true patriots and understand our nation's documents, as well as it's actual history, would be to vote for a true conservative who will restore our first organic Constitution and democratic Republic.
Do you know the Constitutions? They haven't taught them in federally funded schools since before 1960.
Try this easy test and see.
Poor people continue to vote for a failed liberal agenda where the poor keep getting poorer and the rich liberal democrats get richer. You get what you vote for. I vote republican and get rewarded.
I had to sign up for this. Why would someone vote republican? Maybe bc they hate black people, women and religion, if they are poor they vote against their own interest. This is great and the reason you are not the 99%. most people who vote republican do want smaller govt, and believe in hard work and taking care of your own. If you believe if they are lower middle or poor and vote against their own interest then the flip would be that they should vote democratic bc the dems will take care of them from the hard work of the rest of the people. Is that what made America great. Nope it's not. And if you believe republicans hate blacks and women then you have said all that needs to be said for yourself. I guess a republican should say all lower middle class and poor people don't want to work, want a free ride, have babies to get more money, and are all anti American commies. You losers make your movement more irrelevant by the day. This isnthe kind of stuff that when people believe that the colorednhair, dread lock drum beaters who are high on drugs dancing in circles, shitting and pissing in the street and are seen not being able to answer the simplest of questions yet blaming Jews for everything represent ows.
Maybe they hate black people, women, and science, and favor religion instead?
Sadly that is probably more true than I want to believe.
Voting against your own interests so that you can get into that magical, all white, heaven just seems like empty headed drivel.
That must be it!!!
May I ask you why you are obsessed with blacks? You seem to use them as justification for your views in many of your posts.
Don't forget the homos!
The Bible gives them a pass for all sorts of horrors, including animal abuse. And man is much too small to impact God's Great Earth with Global Warming, right?
Thats right vote democrat so they can give me other peoples money because I decided to drop out of Junior High
I happen to have a bachelor's degree, one that I could afford myself once upon a time.
I am an educated person who simply sees that the current Conservatives that call themselves Republicans offer nothing but less for everyone. The government, yes that horrid word, is composed of people who are fellow Americans.
Remember, if it were not for liberal ideas you wouldn't have a 40 hour work week, which I accept is rapidly fading, or a right to vote if you happen to be black or female.
If you were trying to belittle me with your insinuation that I dropped out of junior high then you are way wrong and that is a perfect example of how the right wing mind works. They are wrong but yell and hurl insults for the most part. What I see in Republicans is the epitome of the schoolyard bully. There are some who are decent people but most of them in power are the bullies.
Another thing. It seems to me that whenever Republicans gain the power controls, the deficit gets huge and it takes some good meaning democrats to try and unknot the mess that the Republicans made while they ran the show.
Wow really. Wasn't it the democrats who voted against the civil rights bill en masse in the early 60's? Abraham Lincoln founded the republican party, so don't try this racial bullshit that the democratic party has blown way out of proportion in the modern day for political reasons. 40 hour work week is fading, wtf are you talking about.
What I was insinuating about junior high dropouts is that the majority of poor in this country made choices that got them where they were, why the hell as a society encourage that by supporting them? Also why does every liberal asshole always state "I went to college, so therefore that makes me intelligent." No it means you actually worked to finish something which just means your dedicated to something, not intelligent. For most people it means you had a decent upbringing. It does not mean you know some moral high ground about the state of things.
Isn't the deficit higher than its ever been? Aren't Democrats controlling the Senate and the presidency? Haven't democrats controlled the congress since 2006? The argument that "Republicans" only caused the deficit is as stupid as only "Democrats" caused the deficit.
Jim Jones was a great liberal and so were all his followers. I'd rather be a bully in your eyes any day than drink cool aid.
Get a clue you idiot.
I have been watching the news about the "red and blue" states and There was something mentioned about Virginia which is completely a red state on the state level. Once they have the power they seem to begin forcing their agenda on people, like it or not.
Evidently, Virginia is trying to make it illegal to do a lot of things Americans take for granted but a couple things really stand out. They want to make it illegal to allow ANY form of birth control and that includes the pill. They want to make it so that anyone who wants to adopt a child has to fit into their guidelines namely, and this is only three out of their list of people who can adopt, they can deny you based on race, political affiliations, income levels and more.
It is evident that Republicans are not for the basic tenet of freedom. They are in control and they are becoming more like the old Soviet Union or China than America. Maybe they will bring slavery back too. Is that what this country is all about? I always thought religious freedom was one of the reasons America had a revolution too. People are free if they are Christian only I suppose.
What type country do you really want? Tell everyone so we all can see if you are REALLY trying to uphold the basis of this country or want to make it a dictatorship.
My father had to drop out of school in the eight grade. His father left him and his mother to go out west and never came back during the depression. My father had no choice but to try and earn money for the family because it was the time of the depression. He ended up doing well in life but it was only after the war was over and America began to move forward again and wages were sufficient to make that possible. He hated taxes too but he still believed in human rights.
Again, by calling me an idiot shows me that you are not someone who thinks on any level but violence.
All I got to say is OBAMACARE you fool.
Yet another display of your compassion and persuasion. What would you prefer for health care? Do you want to see hungry, starving, and sick people in the streets?
Don't just call me an idiot or fool, provide solutions. If you can't do that then please use another site for your opinions.
When you resort to simply name calling it shows that you don't reason all the facts out and have only anger to fall back on.
Wow the world before obamacare (now) is really full of "hungry, starving, and sick people". Your are an idiot and a fool. Solutions for what?
How does Obamacare stop people from being "hungry, starving and sick" anyhow? Yet another clueless example from a dem.
Obama, Obama, Obama. HAHAHAH
Why do you feel a need to call people idiots and fools? What is it inside your own mind that causes such hatred?
It's not hatred its called common sense. What is in your mind to beleive the world before Obamacare (now) is full of hungry, starving and sick people. How does Obamacare affect that anyways? You don't have a real answer because there is not any, therefore you are a fool and idiot. Like I said common sense.
Why do you think I believe in what you call Obama Care? I am more inclined in allowing Nature to take it's course on human life just as we do for wildlife. I actually believe we should release small pox into the population again so that the laws of Nature can work again. I have a living will stating clearly that I do not want any measures taken to prolong my life.
They once called pneumonia "the old man's friend" and yet we give the elderly antibiotics to keep them alive longer, even if they are bed ridden. It is said that the last two years of life are the most expensive. Why not give people the same respect we would show our pet if it were sick?
If your entire issue is Obama Care and that is the button you feel I push on you then you are wrong about me. I believe that people need to be subjected to the same laws of Nature that all other life forms must follow. It sounds cruel but it is the natural balance this world has set in place to insure the survival of species. If someone has a broken arm then, yes, set the bone but if someone is in the process of dying then allow them to die with dignity.
Joined Dec. 13, 2011
When I was poor I voted Republican to make sure that the paths out of poverty were still available to me.
Did that plan work out for you?
Yes, my next contract is in the mid 50k range which is a good bit considering the cost of living in my area.
I live near that range of income but it seems like a two steps forward and three steps back scenario to me.
So long as opportunity to move forward exist I am happy. When artificial constraints are created to shackle a person in place or weights are added to make their forward movement harder I will always oppose it. When systems are created to placate rather than challenge I will always oppose them.
I find the Republicans to be slightly less wrong than the Democrats when it comes to undertaking and supporting a philosophy I live by.