Forum Post: why we are protesting, the real reason we are in so much trouble
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 4:03 p.m. EST by ecogorilla
from Brooklyn, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Globalisation has been a postive force for corporate heads of global companies, and for workers in poverty struck countries like china. But for 98% of Americans it has been a disaster. Government policy leveraged up debt on people, and governments in the western world to keep the economies going while regulating and incentivizing all corporations to outsource all jobs to the third world. When the debt inevitably collapsed, they bailed out the corporations further digging the hole they created, and no where do they seem to get what they have created. All they can come up with is more of the same that created this mess. While we all sink further in debt, the corporations make out like bandits taking the last form America, while moving everything to Asia to benefit from all we have given away. We gave away our technology, industry, way of life, money, independence, and power for Chinese made trinkets bought at Walmart, fat corporations without any obligations to the country that begat them, a bankrupt government, and a worthless currency. We want no more bailouts of big corporations, no more government debt, no more China appeasement, no more transfer of jobs and technology to China, no more debasement and depreciation of our currency by a wreckless Federal reserve, and no more job killing regulations by our inept political overloards who made this mess. Power to Americans, look after America first as no one loves anyway (the rate we are going they don't even need to fear us)
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