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Forum Post: Why we all occupy Wall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 5:38 p.m. EST by dannytri (0)
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Why we all occupy Wall Street Daniel J. Smiechowski

From a social-psychological view the national manifestations on Wall Street are a result of the piano man versus cop syndrome or creativity and obedience. More simply, the protest can be described as inherent to society's pressure valve of conflict and order.

So, what's new? We have been down this road for the past ten thousand plus years. But, here's the twist. As members of the human species, we are genetically programmed to resist. It remains a false notion to feign control since everyone squirms while led to the gallows. Some events of the 1960’s illustrate this point. During this time, America was polarized by conflict and order. Just ask Lt. Calley and Commander Loyld Bucker. As for Mr. Calley, the ringleader of the massacre at Mai Lai in Vietnam, his immoral and illegal actions were in large measure condoned by the law and order folks. This is not control.The same mentality stood silent with respect to our National Guard's slaughter of students at Kent State. This is not control. And why was Commander Bucker vilified by the same illogical notion of law and order in regard to North Koreas' taking of the Navy Vessel Pueblo? This is not control.

The protesters have morally legitimate concerns just as those before them, naming Martin Luther King Jr. Bobby Kennedy and Cesar Chavez. When captains of industry and corporate giants including America's largest banks kick us in the teeth while on our knees there evolves a natural human response. As with the US Automakers, our largest banks were saved by the federal government only to turn immorally on the same folks that saved them. This is not control. When one is powerless and consumed by injustice, we all suffer the trappings of immorality. Only the fools among us believe in order and control. When the tables are turned, we all are in the same boat. May the protesters bring justice to our great nation.



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[-] 1 points by debndan (1145) 13 years ago

I completely disagree. This is equating resistance with loss of control. Whereas with controlled resistance we maintain our humanity. To counterpoint, if we give in to our baser instincts we lose our humanity, and become easier to dehumanize.

Along with this, we give ourselves to riotousness, and in turn, oppress the oppressors. Notice in animal farm, the pigs ended up as the farmer?

Nary I say, with peaceful protest we show a higher sense of humanity then the self-appointed elites. They have lost contol, because controlling others is illusion, self- control is the truest of realities.

For it is from the abstract of self control that reality is changed. By the battlefeild of the mind and heart.

For if we use the battlefield of earth we ligitimize the might is right premise of our opponents and are on our path to become them, not defeat them.

Look to Jesus' and Gahndi's lives if you doubt this. Facing great empires they defeated evil through no outward force. And in so doing forged a world worth living in.


[-] 1 points by looselyhuman (3117) 13 years ago

Yes. We most definitely agree.

"higher sense of humanity" +1 this please, all around.

[-] 1 points by GarnetMoon (424) 13 years ago

Well said!