Forum Post: Why was post on "Why is OWS so reluctant in defining clear cut goals" deleted?
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 7, 2011, 2:38 p.m. EST by LiveAndLetLive
from Fort Lauderdale, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
the thread was going good and was getting some traction..... then "puff" and its gone! Good luck guys! I hope you achieve whatever you are thriving for....... I've lost my faith in this movement!
sorry to hear you've lost faith in this movement. maybe this one will restore it:
maybe i can restore yr faith via another "movement":
and striving* (?)
thrive (thrv) intr.v. thrived or throve (thrv), thrived or thriv·en (thrvn), thriv·ing, thrives
eh- I think the grammar is wrong. Besides that- what do you want OWS to progress towards? why have you lost faith?
I just want OWS to progress and not end up just like a "forum" lost in this vast cyber-world. There are several "key agendas" related to government, wall street, banks etc. etc that most of us could relate to. My suggestion was for the moderators to start an online poll with some key issues and let everybody vote on it to prioritize our demands and that would define the "goals" for OWS
OWS has defined many clear cut goals
the question implies that they had not
I'll be grateful if you point me to "where" these "clear cut" goals are defined and "who all" support it? How hard is it to setup a online poll with "key agendas" and let everybody cast their vote?
such votes are hard to validate unless the voter uses a unique identity like their name
its still better than somebody just telling me to follow them without telling me where they are heading!
don't let the vote lead oneself
what happened to the "OWS has defined many clear cut goals"? I thought that was what we were discussing!
end war
direct democracy/ campaign reform
corporate regulation
public health care
check the "About" section of this website, none of these items are mentioned..... and that is my concern! Everybody has their own idea of what this movement is........ and if I don't know what I'm asking for, I'm pretty sure I'll never get it!
"ws is fighting back against the corrosive power of major banks and multinational corporations over the democratic process, "
corporate regulation and government reform are covered
its still better than somebody just telling me to follow them without telling me where they are heading!
I'll be grateful if you point me to "where" these "clear cut" goals are defined and "who all" support it? How hard is it to setup a online poll with "key agendas" and let everybody cast their vote?
what goals are mentioned
Matt, you said that OWS had defined many clear cut goals. I think they asking what those are.
Because they have none, simple.
At least the movement i have every morning has a purpose
good for you!
occupy restrooms
"puff" or "poof".... is not what my post is about!
They don't want people to point out that they have no cohesion, goal, focus or momentum.
shhhhhhh....don't bring this up....pretend that it's not a problem...thanks
Exactly! Why should we have any goals? The 99% have eachother! And a Park! What on earth more could we possibly need??
the goal is divide and conquer and it is working
yup! looks like the 99% has its own 1% that decides whats good for everybody!