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Forum Post: Why this this movement labeled as anti-capitalist? I'm pro-capitalist and pro-OWS and see no conflict, because OWS represents power to end monopolies

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 9 p.m. EST by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA
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Is it just cause the news singled out a few people?

I think this is the big argument against OWS. Instead of reasoning, the media has decided we're all communists. They have been pressing this since the beginning and I fear their argument could be working.

I rarely see this argument within OWS, but it should win over anyone, including all capitalists, and most CEOs,The big problem with capitalism is MONOPOLIES. Capitalism is failing in the world of medicine, for instance, because our health care prices are twice those of europe. A free market would not allow this. It is failing in the world of internet service, cell phone service, because a few companies are monopolizing it. Anything "too big to fail" is too big and should be broken up. Most CEOs will agree with this, because most CEOs aren't heads of companies with monopolies.



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[-] 2 points by bensdad (8977) 13 years ago

I agree with you and LSN45 - greed is the heart of the matter -
I wish - I pray - I beseech -
all of you who are
talking about a new bank,
talking about tax reform ,
talking about medical care -

for God's sake,
for my sake
for your sake


[-] 2 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

You speak the truth - we currently don't have capitalism, what we have is "crony-capitalism" or "neo-feudalism." For decades now the corporations and special interests have had our "representatives" bought and paid for (both on the right and the left). Don't get distracted by the symptoms - we need to address the root cause. Concentrating our efforts on getting the money out of our politics is the best way we can create an environment in which further reforms can be realized. Until we end the current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying our politicians will continue to be the LAP DOGS of the corporations and special interests. What we need first and foremost is real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!! If the corruption is not dealt with first, the chance of any other meaningful reforms becoming a reality is almost zero - the special interests will just use their money to buy votes and put forward bills that create loop-holes or otherwise twist the law in their favor. If we want our children to live in a country where there vote matters, we need to get the money out of our politics, otherwise they will increasingly become the 21st century version of the "landless peasant." Spread the word - End the LEGALIZED BRIBERY!!! CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM needs to be THE main goal of the protests!!!

[-] 2 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

I agree completely. Us citizens should not have to spoon feed our representatives every piece of legislation we want like it seems today. BTW, do you know about http://getmoneyout.com ? They are slowly gaining signatures on their petition (about 250k the last i checked). I have seen a few different amendments proposed as well.

[-] 1 points by LSN45 (535) 13 years ago

Yes! I'm aware of it and all for it - spread the word with those you come into contact with. At the office where I work, even those who mock the protests agree that we need to get the money out.