Forum Post: Why the Military Industrial Complex is corrupt and must change...
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 8:45 a.m. EST by newearthorder
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We are doomed as long as war is 'for profit'. The way it is now, any foreign person, group, state, or even terrorist organization can own stock in any American Corporation and we would never know it. According to, in 2010 there were $536.7 billion in government contracts awarded to approximately 303,000 contractors.
Can you imagine that al qaeda could poor millions, or even billions into American corporations that supply war machines and accessories to the Department of defense, then attack us just to make their stock portfolio increase in value. For them it's a win-win.
I've never thought war should be a for-profit game played by the rich, but now, this possibility takes it to another level. I say make a law that says the government can't contract with ANY for-profit corporation for anything, including services. Not-for-profit corporations do no issue stock. It's the only truly patriotic way to go that honors our fighting men and women in uniform.