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Forum Post: Why the Economy will Worsen

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 10:37 a.m. EST by ng47 (0)
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I will give you a simple illustration to say why the economy cannot improve so that everyone can understand. Let us take for example a person is earning fifteen hundred dollars a month. One third of his income would be five hundred dollars. Let him take one third of his income which is five hundred dollars, buy fireworks with it and burn it every month. How can he live his life with the remaining thousand dollars a month, what will he eat , how will he pay rent/mortgage, transportation, children’s expenses, home maintenance, bills, so on. This is exactly what the American Government is doing. They are using one third of their budget to fight the war in Afghanistan, Iraq and now Syria, libya. This money is also used for other expenses like counter terrorism, logistics, so on.

If the government used this money spent on war to build roads, buildings, bridges, then it will go to the contractors, the contractors will give it to the workers, the workers will go to stores, restaurants, it will slowly percolate down to the lowest level and the money will circulate in the country. But if you go and burn the money in Iraq and Afghanistan, who is being benefited. If it is for one or two months then the government can manage, but, they have been doing it for the last ten years. So the economy cannot improve until the war is halted, it is now too late to halt the war. The war cannot be halted. The government is claiming that the war will end in another years time. But six months later they will say that some new unexpected terrorist threat has come or twenty people have now died in a bomb explosion so we will have to continue the war for another two years more and this is what they have been saying for the last ten years. Public memory is short. This year the economy will be worse than last year and next year it will be much more worse.

The one percent rich controls the tv, newspapers and to pacify the public the media publishes statements like hundred thousand jobs added and so on. Whom are they fooling, five years back if you walked pass any pizza store, you will find the help wanted or driver wanted sign in most of them. Since making pizza is one of the toughest/hardest jobs and most people never lasted there long. It does not matter what the media says about the economy improving or the federal reserve claims about thousands of new jobs being added every day. The day you see the help wanted sign in front of pizza stores, you can be assured that the economy has improved. Did you ever think that in the last four years why you have not seen any help wanted sign or driver needed sign in front of pizza stores? If people have money they want to go and eat something good, pizza’s are the most common choice. So many pizza stores have closed down and those pizza stores that are there have cut down on the number of workers they had.

The next time you go to walmart just see what people buy, groceries, bread, milk, toiletries, just the basic necessities, nobody buys beauty products, nobody buys appliances, electronics, new computers. If you do not have money you can buy your new computer next year, can you say, I do not have money, I will not eat food this month, maybe next month when I get money I will eat food, you will be dead. I do not want to mention any names, but most of us are aware, how large electronic retail stores have closed down.



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[-] 2 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

I agree that the wars are our single biggest expense.

But you cannot make a real argument about the economy without addressing fiat currency.

Our dollars will soon be worthless and this won't be a nice, sing kum-ba-yah movement for that much longer.

Look at what is happening in Greece, in Italy, in Spain! That is our very near future.