Forum Post: Why so angry?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 11, 2011, 8:59 a.m. EST by boxertoby
from Nutley, NJ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I don't understand why the people who disagree with the movement are so angry. Grrrrrrrr Ignore it or calmly disagree. Don't hurl insults. If you have a job great, but don't rant and rave and scream "Get a job!" ... I'm pretty sure if they could get a job, they would. It's one of the big reasons why they're protesting.
** I have a job, but a lot of people don't. Be nice about it.
The reason this country is in recession, isn't because of people who are on WELFARE, it's because of GREEDY people. When my great grand parents and grand parents came here from Italy and Poland they did the RIGHT thing. They were HONEST became LEGAL citizens.Worked hard to make a PROFIT.These people are all gone now. We are left with extremly INSECURE people who go to college to become things they shouldn't" be" because they really are not even talented or gifted in these areas. Like business degrees,but yet they cant figure out a simple thing like save your money, or how to fix the economy.They come in with WRONG MOTIVES GREED. They go on these TV shows as if they are some sort of expert that we should be listening to.Money money money. How much money and stuff can I have so i won't feel insecure about myself. They have twisted parents that put these ideas in their heads, be a Lawyer, Doctor, Financial Advisor, work on Wall street , MONEY MONEY MONEY.Then they play on POOR people by offering them loans they can't afford,then forecolsing their homes and reselling them, so they make out either way. And I'm talking to you GREEDY people. Here let's buy up a ton of houses then flip them 10 times more than they are really WORTH! Stop taking out a ton of loans for all your "STUFF" you are the ones crippling this Counrty with your UNPAID LOANS,not WELFARE PEOPLE while you piggy back one off the other,and JUGGLE. You dont even really own anything you have, the BANK does, you FOOLS! Here s a TIP, get some CONFIDENCE in yourself for who you are. Acting cocky and arrogant is not Confidence its a sign of WEAKNESS! If you own a business, work in it and make an HONEST PROFIT for you and your family. Buy a home for the right reasons to LIVE in! And pass onto your FAMILY. Not to make a GREEDY profit! Pay them off, when they are paid you suceeded.If you want to livein AMERICA then make it legal like everyone else did. And phony Americans stop hiring illegals and then paying them only 5 bucks an hour, and then pretending you care for them. Immigrants dont lower your self to greedy people, get legal and get paid the right wages that you deserve! FOOLS stop buying all these GREEDY peoples Pocket books,purses, perfumes, and jewelery, clothing, cds, albums, Music, Movies. Dont be fooled but phonies! Dont buy all these Coach bags and other foolish trends. They are over over priced. No piece of leather, or Plastic that they use today is worth that kind of money, these people are ALL GREEDY! Stop buying their goods and you will shut um DOWN! Stop voting for FOOLS! Humble yourselves. Be the person you are meant to be, from the local trash man to a waitress or whatever it may be and be PROUD about it! Put your FAITH in GOD not people.