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Forum Post: Why Occupy Wall Street targets Capitalism, not Zionism

Posted 11 years ago on Sept. 10, 2013, 6:28 p.m. EST by owshelpermonkey (-1)
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We were all brought here in wanting to break capitalism. Zionist policy is a symptom of capitalist ideology, not the root cause. If you break capitalism, you break racism, and you break Zionism.

Your thoughts?



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[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

Zionism is nothing more than people wanting to get back to their roots. Coupling zionism with the antics of an extreme fascist government (who has cloaked itself in a false veil of it) is counter productive as it fuels the fires of racism that drive wedges between those who would otherwise seek to help one another.

This anti-zion stuff we don't need in OWS.


[-] 3 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

' never said the Israeli government was noble. In my post the extreme fascist government I was referring to is the Israeli government. I'm saying they, the extreme fascist right wing component of the Israeli government, hijacked the original concept of zionism and turned it into a tool for its own ends; not too unlike what Hitler did to the Swastika. Yes, Occupy is about curbing injustices, all injustices, but targeting zionism in and of itself will not get us there.


[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

We are not that far off in our thinking. Just a nuance on on what is meant by Zionism.

To my understanding of history, Zionism at its inception was simply for Jews to go to a land they call Israel and make it a better place by helping, caring for, and nurturing all that was there, and that included the people already living in the land.

As we all well know that original concept quickly got twisted by right wing extremists in the creation of the State of Israel by most reprehensible brutal, racist, and colonizing policies that continue on today. Unfortunately, these repugnant policies of the right wing component of the government in Israel are what too many see as "zionism". But hopefully, with my short explanation here, one can come to see that zionism does not have to be that.

There are many Jews who see zionism as baloney, or just something incidental to Judaism, but there are also many Jews who have this sense of zionism (in its original form) not too unlike say a Catholic wanting to make a pilgrimage to Lourdes. If you haven't figured it out by now there are many Jews in OWS, and who are participating on this website (which I'm not so sure is really OWS, but that is another story.) If we are to move forward it is important not to alienate them. My thought is to exorcize the racist and colonizing element from zionism and hopefully one day from all of Israel; that is to bring zionism back to its root. Only then can there be real peace in that land and the rest of the world.

One last note in this rather long post (my apologies). I have several Palestinian friends, and it is surprising what they say. They say they are not against any Jews living in Palestine, or even a State of Israel. In fact they like them, They are really against corrupt Arabs. As to Jews, they only wish for those few Jews who do, that they stop behaving like corrupt Arabs.


[-] 1 points by Shule (2638) 11 years ago

Certainly you have my support. That is exactly also my intent with what I was posting; that OWS not become hateful in any way to anybody. I don't live in NYC, but next time I'm up I'll be mindful to bring some supplies.


[-] 0 points by superomenna (-4) 11 years ago

The Zionist story, created by Ronen Berelovich, give us a glimpse on the difficulties and hardships early Israelis went through, to expand the Jewish state.


[-] 1 points by nazihunter (215) 11 years ago

How would breaking capitalism break racism? That's an interesting notion. Wouldn't some form of exchange need to exist? I think just trying to make the world a much fairer place for everyone and recognizing responsibility for preserving and protecting the world for future generations whereby corporations and people don't get to do what they want just because they have more power or money. Just accomplishing that would take one hell of an effort. The road to destruction is being traveled much faster than the one to resistance. Just some of the issues people are bringing up like war, healthcare and jobs is a real good start for now. Along with big oil and gas, aye carumba! lotsa work.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 11 years ago

Greed is the #1 cause of Disease Death and Destruction.


[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

Are you for real?

[-] 0 points by dreamingforward (394) from Gothenburg, NE 11 years ago

Zionism is not a symptom of capitalist ideology -- it only recognizes that it was a step in the path, not something to be "suppressed".