Forum Post: Why Occupy the parks in tents?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:24 p.m. EST by mynameisfred
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
How many rich people are in the park at night to see you. Your a bunch of looooosssseerrrrssss. Americans think you suckkkkkk. Get a Jobbbbbbbbb..
No, No, keep the hippies all rounded up together. If they stay in the parks then there is less of them to panhandle the streets, you know outta sight outta mind. Zucc The Hippies!
"Sir, do I have permission to release the missle from the drone?"
can't the watch though satellite cam ?
LoL, I bet Coleman and the Bass Pro shops support the OWS movement! Cabellas anyone? You guys better start building wigwams unless you want to continue your hypocrisy of supporting and protesting big business at the same time!
It's amazing how many right wingers don't know basic grammar.
so fuckin true
(i am willing to grant the op poetic license in this case, but as a general statement, yours is a true one)
We are far better with MATH. $
No, you're far better with GREED.
Hi Fred, can you see what I'm doing now? I need some one to support my support, can you help support? You'll need both hands.
Hey Fred..I'm watching and I'm not poor...I support anyone who protests against this Plutocratic government we have and as far as who is a loser and who isn't...We all are losers for letting our politicians get the country to this place....If you don't know what Wall Street did in 2008 and what legislation was pasted on behest of corporations and the banks, then shame on you...
Nick, Howdy, you just made the point I have been making. The OWS idiots are protesting in the wrong place. DAaaahhhh. The protests should be in the halls of Congress, not tents in a city park where NO RICH people are to see. The protests should not be about someone begging, (business) for money, but the people that give it to them, CONGRESSMEN. The rich liberals democrats in congress are to blame not a business with a handout. You wont win this battle the direction it is going. NOBODY cares in America with the OWS the way it is going. WAKE UP!
Ho Ho Ho....No, Freddy, the protesters are where the manipulators of our government reside...That's also where allot of theft occurred in 2008..No one accountable..
The protestors aren't just occupying Wall Street either..Some would say that both the moneyed elites and their minions in Washington deserve their heads on a pike and eventually if our "leaders" don't wise up, that's what will happen. That's no threat, it's history.
Why do we have a two party system anyway..The elites like that setup, it's easier than having to pay off three or four parties isn't it..
The Financial Terrorists who are also the worst money grabbing, welfare queen, beggar thy neighbor, muggers of humanity are those scumbags on Wall Street...I borrowed my prose from Frances E. Dec Esq.
It's both the moneyed elite and Washington..Where this thing starts will not be where it ends. You can bank on that! (Actually buy silver and stuff it in your mattress..that paper stuff won't be worth shit after a while)
I just dont want to live in a police state
Here is an idea , move.
How about you move. I prefer to live in a free society. There are plenty of place for you to go to.
lol I live in the 12th freest state. By the way , FL is the 11th freest state.
Well thats an smart analysis...
and I dont want you to either. Canada is nice.
we are showing the world- just how poor and miserable the filthy rich have made us. the whole world now nows that we will do anything suffer anything to regain our freedom against this oppressive governemnt. a government of the rich for the rich and by the rich. today the whole world watches as the us population freezes and its government could care less-
the world feels sorry for the American citizens
But if I'm not mistaken, most of you who are occupying have homes, or at least a place to live, am I wrong? I could see your point if this was a homeless revolt- now that's poor and miserable. I think any movement can show the whole world that they will do anything to regain freedoms in the face of oppression, but that does not have to mean you will stay in this park or another OWS location indefinitely. I think you have made your point, you've got people thinking and talking about issues, some are actually formulating ideas and actionable plans, which is something I don't see coming from anywhere in official OWS documentation. I read at the GA website FAQ:
"How long do people intend to stay at the plaza?
We will stay until change happens! Until broad swaths of the American population realize that it is we, the 99% alone, who can reclaim society from the domination of the 1%. Democracy has never been a spectator sport, and Americans have an obligation, particularly if we claim to love our country, to build serious and meaningful change from the bottom up."
Change can't happen unless you make it happen by taking some sort of action. Sitting in a park in Summer or Winter means nothing. You can't stay there and wait for things to change, you have to establish goals and work towards them. You need to form some kind of hierarchy there to facilitate efficiency. And hierarchy doesn't have to be a bad thing! People with good ideas should be given precedence over those with bad ideas or irrelevant ideas. Not that people who have the latter type of ideas should not have a chance to be heard, but all things can not be considered equally, some have to be recognized for what they are. Eventually people are going to get tired of paying for your extended stay at the park. I think it is time for some common sense here. I just don't see a lot of it coming from OWS. You are right in one thing- the world is watching. And eventually they are going to get bored watching people just occupy the park, no matter how many GA meetings you have. Unless you can all agree on something and actually put forth an agenda for getting it done, the occupation means nothing at all. But I think you are wrong on another point- I don;t think the world feels sorry for American Citizens. Most people from poorer countries are desperately trying to find a way to live here, legally or not, because even the poor have it better here than in some other places in the world. When I start to feel sorry for myself, I tune in and see how some people in other countries are living, with barely shelter, no running water or indoor plumbing. Eating bats to survive (yes, I actually saw this in a documentary recently) and being happy about it. Making the equivalent of two or three US dollars a week and being happy about it. I think "broad swaths of the American population" know things are screwy and want change, but they can only do so much by themselves. They need a movement such as OWS to invigorate them with a sense of purpose and a call to action- specific action. This is something OWS has failed to provide in any meaningful way to these people.
the brains behind OWS is the same person as who started the arab spring-- we all follow the written works of Gene Sharp! he is a sweet old man of about 80 years old, who is turning this planet upside down with his theory as to how to bring down corruption. his books are our bible, and we follow it word by word.
This is official, agreed upon and stated by OWS leaders? And don't give me the line that OWS is leaderless and horizontal, I just don't believe that whatsoever. As I wrote in another post- this movement, this occupation, did not spring up organically, overnight. It was planned and people were encouraged to participate. These are the founders of OWS, why don't we hear what they have to say? I've not heard one suggestion or idea or call to action by anyone who claims to speak officially for OWS. When people here ask direct questions, such as: What is your vision of the country should you accomplish whatever it is you are trying to achieve? I mean if there is even any agenda at all, which as said, it is not clear. Exactly how much in donations has been collected and how is it being spent and on what? Aside from cash donations, what other supplies (food, clothing, blankets and other supplies) are being donated and how much are you receiving? Why aren't crimes within the occupation (such as sexual assault) being reported to the police? What steps does the average person take next? Where is the movement headed? No one wants to answer these questions, they are often not responded to at all or are met with vague answers or even flat out hostility. For a movement that wishes transparency in government and business, they aren't really being very transparent at all, are they? These are things the "other" 99% want to know, have a right to know. Many who were supportive of this cause are now questioning it- is this what you really want? OWS seems to be gaining factions that are not in line with what the "masses" will accept (violence, flat out revolution as opposed to working within the system for change- in large enough numbers change within even a broken system can be made). I think if you wish support, OWS must put out a list of goals they seek and changes they wish to accomplish accompanied by a concrete plan of action and be transparent about the donations they have received.
it originated in Serbia-- perfected during the Arab spring and i am sure that ows is leaderless and horizontal. just as the arab spring had no leaders. the arab spring had no demands other then regime change. you have reason to be afraid- as you have seen what happened in the middle east and the rapid growth of the ows movement.
Again, no reply to direct questions. Thanks for the polite exchange.
If you were so poor how is it you are on the internet??????? Poor people don't have computers or fancy cell phones.
Yea and poor people shouldn't have refrigerators, ovens or toilets either if they are going to call themselves poor. GMAFB.
I didn't say that so SYFM
Just bringing you down to where your argument inevitably goes. As far as computers go you can get them very cheap so even a pretty poor person can have one and a fancy phone also..
That's very kind of you.
Your welcome..and God bless you sir.
Hey someone on this forum said you were a female impersonator..WTF.
LMAO Nope...I am all female last I checked. I probably would suck at being a female impersonator. I know too much L
That's good ..sorry for questioning your gender...I myself being married for almost 20yrs have been questioned many times regarding my gender and statements like "man up" have been uttered by my supposed better half..I have no idea what she is talking about and the mere mention of it is bringing me to tears as I clutch desperately to my teddy bear, snuggle with my wobby, while suckling on my baby bottle perversely, like a calf to a cows utter. To make this picture any stranger, as if I could, I also have a beard..
ehhh tell her her jock strap is showing LOL.........I swat at bugs outside. I've been told "stop being such a girly girl"........tears falling to the ground
i am supporting a just cause ows against oppression.
i am sick and tired of the hell people like you are causing to the poor and homeless of this country. and i will fight with them shoulder to shoulder until we- defeat the likes of you. i know what you are--and am sickened to communicate with you. have a nice day
I repeat......If you have internet access and a computer you are NOT poor...
You are part of a group that has thousands of dollars worth of donations, over 1/2 MILLION in donations.........for YOUR needs and wants. Why aren't you giving that to the poor and homeless????? Because you are nothing but a spoiled brat
i am not part of any group. and i am a spoiled brat. let me see-three wide screen tv's, three computers-three cars two world phones-with internet access-6 gps's with maps for everywhere on planet earth- autoroute, topo and all coastal marine gps maps.
riiiiiiiiiiiight and I am Santa Claus
santa i would like a 60 inch color tv for Christmas just like my friend Bambi
interesting name for a man- bambi
LMAO are ASSuming a lot that I am a man aren't you?
Sorry, went out trick or treating with the kids. Watching TV on the 60inch flat screen now. Drink some wine. YOU SHOWED US. LOL.
Hey,,, everyone. I think I just saw a rich person over by one of the tents. Lets go protest in front of him.
There are no rich people in the park watching. You got 15 seconds on the news at 4:30. You really are showing us. LOL. Go home to mommy and daddy.
LMAO Good one, Fred
Did you really think that was funny Bambi?
Yep.......still laughing
please go on another site and voice your opinion, since you don't understand the point of this one.
You can stop protesting since you dont understand the point.
You can BOTH shut the fuck up and respect people's right to voice their opinion, and remember that you're talking to real live people.
Your right to protest stops when I dont want to hear it. Get a job and pay your bills.
Nah, I think I'll laugh as you are forced by the government to pay my bills. Right after they force you to hand over corporate welfare to your plutocratic masters, that is. LOL.
Get back to work, slave. Obey your masters. I'll be enjoying the sun of Miami.